I like movies, books, and long walks on the beach.... Okay, siriusly, there is no description of me. None. I love Harry Potter (I really hope you're able to pick that one up on your own), and I read a lot in general. What's sad is I read a lot of children's books. I've read Lord of the Rings, and that was great and all, I loved it, but I also read Harry Potter and A Series of Unfortunate Events, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar (in Spanish...). I'm obsessed with Spanish, even if everyone around me is in love with stupid spitty old GERMAN. Another thing is Foamy the Squirrel, and Strong Bad, and a lot of stuff on Newgrounds. Just... yeah, I'm crazy, so don't try for too long to understand me, you probably never will, lol.

Latest Entry

Oh goodness.

June 18, 2011
Well, apparently, if you complain loudly enough, the world pities you and sends you happiness. Two days ago, while I was at work, I got a phone call.  I was in the middle of a ten hour shift from 5pm - 3am, and it was about 10 pm.  I obviously couldn't answer, since I was…
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Recent Entries

  • It’s angry frustration venting day!
    June 16, 2011
    Hello Open Diary.  It's been a looooooong time.  How have you been? I could be better. Student teaching was wonderful.  There was laughter and tears, and, most importantly, lessons learned and lessons taught. Now I'm done.  That's it.  College career over.  I'm apply...
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  • Oh goodness, I haven’t changed one bit.
    October 11, 2010
    Every couple of months, I post here and say I'm oh so sorry and I wanna post more often and I will, I swear! I'm not going to bother with that this time around.  You've (meaning me in the future, I think, no one really reads this anymore) heard it all plenty of times, and…
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  • One of those days… :)
    June 29, 2010
    Have you ever just had one of those days where everything seemed to go right for you? Last night I went to the midnight premier of Eclipse (I'm ashamed of myself, but only a little). Somehow, the theatre managed to fill the theatre Tiff, Susan and I were in with nothing but mostly-mature people (...
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  • So… this figures.
    May 18, 2010
    Welcome to my life, ladies and gentlemen.  It's not even officially summer yet, and I'm ALREADY BORED. I'm sorry I was so distant this semester.  Something tells me this is going to be pretty typical for the rest of my teaching career.  My students were wonderful, and I was really ...
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  • Dear Lately,
    April 6, 2010
    You and I are only kind of friends right now, Lately. I read a book for fun for the first (and probably only) time this semester all in one day today.  And that was nice.  I appreciate that from you. However, it's definitely worth noting that you've had a HORRIBLE effect on my students....
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  • My “Thank You” list
    March 29, 2010
    Dear God/the world: Than you for coffee, and especially thank you for making someone crazy enough to look at coffee beans and think "I should roast these, grind them up, put them in a filter and pour boiling hot water over them and then drink it!" Thank you for The Beatles. Thank you fo...
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  • Off we go!
    March 26, 2010
    After a truly atrocious day yesterday (Took the Purple Bubble in for some fixing, found out there's enough wrong with her that they didn't even bother working on her - just told us to get some new break pads/rotors and drive her till she dies), I'm off to Mall of America with Nathan, Vicki and&he...
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  • I just need to be upset for a while.
    March 7, 2010
    So here's the deal. I want to be a teacher.  I have doubts sometimes at my skill or devotion, but as I go through more schooling, as I spend more time in classrooms, I really realize that this is what I want to do. Last Wednesday we had one of our graduate students in my ...
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  • Ah, my old friend, procrastination.
    February 25, 2010
    Fridays really should be the bane of my existence. I spend the whole week looking forward to Friday because I have nothing to do, so I can get all this homework done.  Then Friday comes and I do laundry, listen to music, and decide that TODAY is the day to update my OD! I only…
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