I have to tell the most absolute truth.
I could make it a story of angels, but that would not be the true story.
Mine is one of devils mixed with angels, and some miserliness.
One must have a bit of everything to move forward in life.

-Astor Piazzolla

Latest Entry

I don’t need a reason for what I became

April 7, 2020
I am chagrined to admit that I  forgot about this.  Forgot about who I was, who all of you were, the history I left here.  OD went quietly offline sometime after my last entry in 2013, and the fact that it barely registered as a loss speaks volumes to me now about my emotional state…
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Recent Entries

  • the outsider
    June 7, 2013
     it's been ... awhile.  I've wanted to write, but have been avoiding my diary like the plague.  Writing about things makes them real, in a way, even if they aren't--writing about things means that things that were previously in my head, and which I could dismiss as my own neuroses,...
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  • an edit, of sorts
    November 6, 2012
     I think I spoke too soon in my last entry about Nick's flirting and my imagination.  We had a long talk at the end of last week about trust and keeping secrets.  Nick told me then that it's something he's working on, that he doesn't *want* to do it and didn't think he was keeping&...
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  • off the merry-go-round
    May 12, 2012
    Time stops for no one.  This is good.  This is comforting. Time plods along incessantly at the same pace, neither speeding up nor slowing down. This is infuriating.  I want out of the fucking domestic circus already. These days I hate to write in here because I feel like a bro...
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  • question
    April 23, 2012
     How far into a serious relationship would you, personally, have to be before you gave up your online dating site accounts? 
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  • hell in a handbasket
    November 22, 2011
     Well.  Nick finally took an opportunity last weekend to tell Lindsay that the romantic part of their relationship is over.  To be fair, he woke up to her crying, at which point she told him she was worried about the state of their relationship.   It is my experience that it's...
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  • 09/17/2011
    September 16, 2011
    This is sort of a brief addendum to the last entry.  Regarding the personal stuff: Nick had some sort of epiphany in CO (before I arrived) that I really am the person with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life.  I think that cohabbing with both me and Lynn is more d...
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  • 09/15/2011
    September 14, 2011
     July: we went to colorado and i met nick's mother.   August: we went to Iowa and Nick met my family, attended the Fair, and beheld the circus that was the Republican Straw Poll.  Since then, life is turning into a large academic blur.  I'm teaching again, two sections of...
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  • um.
    March 2, 2011
     1.  Nick and I are still together.  We talked things out, and have been checking in more with 'the relationship' in general since the last entry.  I showed him my list, turns out he wants nearly all the same stuff I do, including, apparently, to work towards becoming monogamo...
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  • something like marriage, but with less ado
    December 7, 2010
     I haven't written anything to speak of lately. Not family blog posts, not research, and certainly--as you may have noticed--not OD entries. Part of it has to do with the fact that I don't much like where I am in my life right now. It's easier to deal with everything by ignoring it, an appro...
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