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not much to say sadly

May 27, 2013
 so i am now offically in NC. i hate it but its not so so bad. me and mom are clashing over myles of course. i got job being back less than a week. Started insanity and walking. im on day 2 of insanity i feel it , then went walking. I have 80 to…
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Recent Entries

  • Backlog
    May 14, 2013
     I am just a mess. saturday is the moving date. I dont want to break up or move away. Logically i know its for the best. i have a really hard couple of semester coming up and i dont need him mocking it up. I dont need the drama or the constant worring that hes…
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  • willow tree
    May 5, 2013
     i wrote my last entry from my tablet. i think its time i start using this more. i need to express myself cause im keeping to much in and i cracked, or im on my period. its hard to tell honestly. I just bleed randomly now. i have had this thing in for about a…
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  • 05/05/2013
    May 4, 2013
     I truly hate my life. I am moving back  to nc  a single mom of 2. All I do is cry in the mornings and deal with my 2yr old.  Pretend were still together until he can pay to move me.  Today was the worst.  I flipped out.  I took a drive and ended  up…
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  • 05/05/2013
    May 4, 2013
     I truly hate my life. I am moving back  to nc  a single mom of 2. All I do is cry in the mornings and deal with my 2yr old.  Pretend were still together until he can pay to move me.  Today was the worst.  I flipped out.  I took a drive and ended  up…
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  • hulk smash
    February 24, 2013
     so pissed. if any one read comics ..hulk smash. im not that into comics i know a few things. so my son was not snipped in the hospital cause his dads insurance said to wait until he was covered. not a big deal. thats what he did...not we find out that its not covered and…
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  • holy shit batman
    January 4, 2013
    holy crap... i just realized that my baby will be here in like 2 weeks give or take. and my mom in one week.  this month has alot going on. new baby.. might not keep my job. if i get the job i can get a new to me vehicle. and other things too. crazyiness.
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  • the sun is not up… sigh
    January 1, 2013
    so my jeep is done for. Well im done with it. looking to buy another soon and cheaply as always. i am 37 weeks now and feeling it ever day. calfs stay so swollen then the ankles and then the feet. most days i have no ankles. its been a good and bad couple of…
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  • 12/22/2012
    December 21, 2012
    so i found out was wrong with my jeep. its either the head or the head casket. Either way its expensive and time to get rid of it. i dont want to. i want to fix it and it keep working for like for ever. but they money i put into to fix this issue…
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  • my jeep
    December 11, 2012
    so everything is just of crashing on me. my jeep is still not working right. we got a new battery thinking that would stop the random dying and nope. of course he didn really test it just cranked it up and back out and called it good. it died on my way to the sitters.…
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