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April 23, 2006
Well I don't remember if i went into the fran story or not and to be honest am too lazy to go back and check so let me tell you now!   Fran is my middle brothers dog she is a small to medium dog she is a beagle mixed with an italian greyhound (miniture…
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Recent Entries

  • Sorry So long
    April 17, 2006
    Alright...So I am thinking Alan and I are over.  He is becoming really controlling and if he can be controling in another country then i definatly dont want the long term controlling if we lived together ....*shrugs*  to be honest i have done over so much in my head i dont wanna do...
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  • Amsterdam
    January 25, 2006
    Alright    When I was in England Alan, and some of his friends namely Ian, Dani, Gemia, Stuart and myself all said we were going to try to go to spain together this summer for a holiday because it would be fun. Ian and Dani however have 5 kids and they couldn't get baby sitters…
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  • numb
    January 24, 2006
    I have been feeling really werid lately Not happy but not sad not depressed just kinda numb.  People ask me how I am and it comes out I'm Fine in an eeyore voice which is not how it is intended. I think I pinpointed my problem however   My problem is my work! I am…
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  • le sigh
    January 16, 2006
    Englad was very nice.  Alan and I spend a lot of time talking, it was a little akward at first but things fell into place fairly quickly.  He and I are if possible even more in love now then ever, and things are honestly moving forward. I am looking into getting a visa to live…
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  • Well…I’m Back
    January 9, 2006
    I'm back i will write a proper entry later but here is a link to the pictures and i am gonna try and post one of Alan and I here too...  
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  • Merry Christmas I’m Packed!!!
    December 26, 2005
    So christmas was nice we had a fairly good christmas....   Hunter my nephew who is four did a secret santa at his preschool where they went to school with money and they could buy christmas presents and have them wrapped for christmas without the parents help and hunter did all his shopping ...
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  • Packing sucks
    December 21, 2005
    So I am starting to pack for england.  I have my carry on full of fashion mags and a book and hopefully after xhristmas i can add an MP3 player!~!!   I Thought that Alan was through a new years party so we were staying in and having a shing dig t his place which…
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  • alferdo sace sedation
    December 10, 2005
    today my mom and dad took my whole family out for dinner/lunch at the olive garden for my mom's birthday i had seafood alfredo  YUM and now i am supper sleepy!!   Lea is fine she is so pretty i just love rher and hnuter they are so much fun to hang with.   next…
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  • Lea Skye
    November 29, 2005
    My 5 month old Neice Lea Skye is going to have surgery tomorrow to remove a little growth by her ear. my mom is very very worried and upset but she is going to be fine it will be a quick precudure on a adult they would do it in the office but she wont…
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