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2024 Happenings

December 3, 2024
Some life things that have gone on  since my last entry: Lyme disease recuperation continues. I fear that I may have plateaued with lingering joint pain, mainly in the hips. The major muscles that attach to the hips are where I feel it the most. When I go to the gym and push myself it…
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Recent Entries

  • Mass Health
    May 10, 2024
    Yesterday I spent 90 minutes on the phone with MassHealth trying to get my MIL's registration renewed. I have a thing about bureaucratic incompetence. Diane is always joking  about it because it bothers me so much and she finds it funny when I get sucked into it. First I called the number on my m...
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  • Lyme
    May 8, 2024
    Yesterday I posted about health concerns, specifically, body aches that have been going on for two months. My intention was to create a log of my illness because I didn't have confidence that we would find out the problem. Went to the doctor and just got word that I have Lyme disease! The symptom...
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  • Health Stuff
    May 6, 2024
    I want to record some health issues I have been having. In late January I noticed I was having headaches when I read. The symptoms limited my reading time which was a pain because I love to read in the winter. I first noticed it while we were traveling to Florida to visit my son…
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  • Fed Up with American Red Cross
    March 9, 2023
    I have been a regular blood donor for decades.  I started in my 30's and have usually donate several times  a year.  During the past few years I have been getting fed up with the inefficiency of the mobile blood drawing operations.  They are either understaffed, overworked or terribly inefficient...
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  • Skiing At Last
    February 24, 2023
    We finally got some decent snow this week.  We didn't get the 11" they were projecting but we got about 6 so it was enough to get out in the woods.  It's been a poor year for snow and a bit too warm for normal winter activities. I had a few good ski days before…
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  • Been Cooking Lately
    February 21, 2023
    I've been enjoying planning and cooking the evening meal lately.  I think this has been going on for the past few months.  I'm not sure how it started but it was probably during the pandemic. We used to go out for dinner 2-3 times a week. Now we've gotten out of that habit and gotten…
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  • Playing at the Coffee House
    February 19, 2023
    Last night I did something  I have never done before.  I played guitar and sang in front of a group of strangers at a local church coffee house.  This seems like a really small thing but for me it is different.  This is something I have never done before. I have an irrational fear of…
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  • Making Syrup
    February 18, 2023
    It's been hectic!  But worth it. I got back from 12 days in Florida visiting Justin and my mom. We had a great time but while I was gone the sap started running and Gerry was left to figure stuff out. It's always a struggle to get all the trees tapped and under vacuum. I…
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  • Musing about Diane and her sister
    January 31, 2023
    My wife had an identical twin sister, Brenda. I think I wrote about her suicide years ago.  I met both of them on the same evening at their sorority. Naturally the two of them look very much alike.  The main difference is that Diane had a facial hemangioma next to her left eye at birth.…
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