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monday morning

March 6, 2011
Hi. I’m writing this morning from work, where I don’t have internet connection (so I'm saving it as a doc on my puter), but I thought it was important to try to take a break from homework and write this morning. Alas, the baby is not sleeping soundly, which complicates things, and distracts me a&...
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Recent Entries

  • Sunday dreams
    March 5, 2011
    I'll have to title this writing later, no idea what I'll end up writing. I found this when I was writing morning pages on paper, as well. I'd think I was going to write about one thing, and end up writing about something else entirely.I watched the end of CBS Sunday Morning with K today…
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  • morning pages
    March 4, 2011
    good the point of writing in the morning before doing anything else, according to my hazy recall of The Artist's Way, is to get out the blather that spins around in one's head. it clears the way to do what you need to do. since I need to do a lot of schoolwork and…
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  • wake up coughing
    March 3, 2011
    wow, yesterday was really very tough.I got some homework done, and while getting ready to go work for the afternoon, I had a big emotional panic and I sent K an upset email. I was trying to wait to talk to him when he got home, but I failed. so I was all concerned about…
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  • justifiable blogging (about K’s new haircut!)
    March 2, 2011
    I was reading my textbook on writing research proposals yesterday and I was delighted to find the suggestion that when writing a proposal, you should do some fun writing as a warmup before working on your research project.yay!the author gave examples of famous writers who did just that, writing a...
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  • all the little/big things
    February 28, 2011
    the job topic.Interestingly, the mom from the afternoon job left a message asking if I'd like to talk about the 5 year old in particular and if I needed anything, as well as checking with me about how I felt if they scheduled a friend to come over for a I called her back,…
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  • the job decision
    February 26, 2011
    Having debated the pros and cons of the situation, for now I am going to sit tight.It's a funny situation, the roles are unclear which will cause some confusion for the kids. But for now, it's nothing for me to get overly upset about. A friend who works at the gym with me suggested that…
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  • should I switch jobs?
    February 24, 2011
    So the job with the baby girl is going very, very well.However, the job with the 5 and 7 year old girls is a little challenging, and it has everything to do with the set up of the job.So here's what is going on.I babysit the 2 girls after school 2 days a week, while…
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  • Needing to strengthen myself up
    February 23, 2011
    Sometimes I really need to write a blog entry to get myself moving into action, to cheer myself on, and to check in with myself about what is going on.of course, after reading a series of entries written by a friend of mine who lived through the New Zealand earthquake and is dealing with the…
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  • Friends: If anything happens in your area…
    February 22, 2011
    Alright, I've got two friends in New Zealand from Opendiary, and my heart stuttered when K sent me a text yesterday telling me about the big earthquake. I couldnt wait for work to end so I could log onto opendiary to check on them to make sure they are ok.So I'm putting this out there…
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