Incoherent ramblings of the socially inept.

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Through you… I am born…

August 5, 2018
So today merits a slightly improved mood. Not as good as ordinary moods of everyday folk but better than usual. I am however frustrated beyond reasonable parameters by my ever failing dream... I am attempting to create a video game, just like 5 year old me dreamed back when I was running through ...
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Recent Entries

  • Darkness falls… Earth is now MY domain
    July 30, 2018
    1. What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before? Lost my dad, lost a child, had my world destroyed and reconnected with some old friends 2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't make resolutions. If you want to do or be…
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  • Opening back up the open diary
    July 30, 2018
    It's been a long time since I last used Open Diary. I can't remember what was happening in my life last time I used it but today is different. Sadly the years have not been too kind to me. I struggle daily with severe depression and a variety of physical and psychological issues. But the…
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  • Changes… They come to us all…
    September 26, 2009
    I don't know what is happening... I was watching Season 4 of House M.D. last night because my insomnia flared to a new level. I enjoyed it all the way through as usual, I love House ^_^ But it got to the season finale and all of a sudden I found the story sending me deep…
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  • You cannot escape what I bring about…
    September 17, 2009
     Life is getting to me a lot recently. It never used to, I used to be incredibly laid back and cheerful but recently things have just been draining all the happiness from me. Work is a main aim of this. Not so long ago we got a new RGM (Restaurant General Manager) and I decided…
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  • Casting the evil eye over 2008
    January 4, 2009
    1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before? Gone for quite a long time without sex (and still counting...) 2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? To be completely honest with you... I was completely shit-faced so I don't even remember it.&h...
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  • A day late, a buck short…
    October 5, 2008
    Well todat is pretty good now that the damned hangover has gone! I'm thinking I should stop drinking for a while cos I'm getting hangovers much easier than I used to. It's a pain! But today is none-the-less pretty cool! I'm sat at RIk's house playing on the internet and conversing with people ove...
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  • Sexual frustrations and classic wrestlers…
    September 28, 2008
    That is NOT how it sounds! Seriously! I've now been single for oh... say... 5 months. I've searched the city far and wide for someone that will take interest in me. I have also stopped looking and waited for it to come to me but I think maybe I should just give up all together.…
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  • The horror, THE HORROR, I embrace it…
    September 17, 2008
    Okay... What is this whole enhanced security "you must do this" about?! My diary has been pretty secure from what I know! Only one person knows the password to it... well... knew the password. I trust him not to jump in and faff it around cos he knows I'd probably shout at him a lot.&he...
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  • Shadow born at the confluence of worlds…
    August 24, 2008
    Well what can I say these days? I'm pretty fed up of all the boringness that has suddenly taken over the world. NEVER before have I been so god damned bored of life and general rigmarol. Steve and Rik and one or two other people keep the damned thing exciting. But other than that there…
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