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I Don’t Know

March 12, 2023
I cant seem to remember how to navigate around OD anymore. I use to have a diary here, but I'm not sure what email I used. Hopefully I'll figure it all out:) Hugs from Turtle and Cooper  
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Recent Entries

    December 10, 2019
    Well, I wish I knew how to make the caps bigger on the library computer, but this is better then nothing I guess :) I still need to learn how to insert pictures too as I have alot to show. First I have to get an attachment because they don't tell you when you buy…
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    May 31, 2019
        I can't say I have tons of excuses, just that time does fly so quickly. Guess I'll start with Mother's day. I was feeling really down because my kids & grandkids live too far away for a short visit. For weeks before that I was feeling really sorry for myself, top of depression&h...
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  • A Beginner
    February 23, 2019
    This is what happens when you go so long away from your diary. You forget how to do everything 😉 Is there a tutorial? Things look different to me 😳 I feel like a Beginner again lol Can you believe I’m in bed before 10 Pm on a Saturday night? I got bored with TV…
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    February 23, 2019
    I got behind AGAIN. Time goes by so fast. Well,,, to answer this question.  I would pack up my things and go back to Florida. I miss seeing my Grandsons. However I can’t seem to find anything i can afford. I’m not happy where I’m at but the rent is very low. Guess I’ll have…
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  • Long Long Time Ago
    February 3, 2018
    A long long time ago. I started my very first online diary here. I found so many wonderful friends and some of them I still have contact with and have even been blessed to meet a few.  There has been so many changes in my life and I’m not sure where to begin. If you…
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