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January Bride..

April 8, 2010
its been a minute since i updated. things have been crazy busy lately. im sure youre curious about the title.. welp, 2.5yrs of one hell of a roller coaster relationship, with a hefty couples counseling bill to match he asks me to marry him in a not so traditional way at my sisters 'movie margarit...
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Recent Entries

  • longtime no see
    October 4, 2009
    I haven't written here since july, quite sometime. Lot of craziness, been keeping busy with work. Plus I've become seriously addicted to twitter that I've neglected a lot of the sites I'm on lol. I have some of you guys on myspace so I check out your updates every now and then. I hope everyone&he...
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  • bye bye bush
    January 18, 2009
      my parents are out of town until tomorrow, so i thought i'd take advantage of being here while theyre gone, plus i wanted to update a little here. i'm still at my friends place, not much going on lately aside from the never ending job hunt. Drago and i are not on speaking terms…
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  • interesting day.
    November 27, 2008
    He called me 20 times today, countless text messages <i was trying my hardest not to respond but i finally got tired of hearing my phone vibrate and responded to one of his texts. he asked to come over, i told him no, then he went into this rant about changing and to give him…
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  • bums at the gas station.{e}
    November 10, 2008
    theres like a shell and race trac near my house that always has a few homeless ppl there asking for money or food standing right near the gas pumps, i wouldnt mind it so much if they werent so close into my personal space ya know?   im trying to pump gas and i have…
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  • my son is an a$$hole
    November 8, 2008
      I know that isnt a pc thing to say as a mom whose suppose to dote on their child and talk about how perfect they are, but there are times where i wish i could go back to being child-free again.   his recent behavior is a bit troubling, maybe its just that age…
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  • Serbian 4 Dummies
    November 7, 2008
      initially when we first started dating i didnt even know a country named Serbia existed, let alone their culture etc he kindof clued me in along the way, some of it i was intrigued by.. then there was somethings i wasnt too keen on, as far as the relative status of men and women are&h...
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  • election party {e}
    November 4, 2008
      some family, a few friends came by last night to watch the election coverage and all i have to say is thank god my instincts were wrong, i was really pulling for him to win but i also had my doubts after seeing enough ppl out there who were misinformed about obama.   as…
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  • homemade p0rn vids.
    October 11, 2008
      we were deep in discussion today and i was asking him if hes been open with me about everything, if there was anything i didnt know.. and this foo' took it upon himsself to tell me that he still has homemade porn vids of him and his ex gf together.   um why the…
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  • happily never after.
    September 12, 2008
      im starting to realize (and maybe i have high expectations after watching enough romance movies over the past decade)   That i've always been so naieve about relationships even when i was younger, i had this idea that once i met THE guy im supposed to be with that everything would fal...
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