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new things

May 20, 2009
my daughter just turned a year old. how sad. I miss her babyness.. she is crazy now.   im pregnant, almost 20 weeks.   more depressed than ive been in a long time. i just want things to change. i wonder how i got to where i am.  i havent been a nice person lately…
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Recent Entries

  • my baby
    October 3, 2008
    My baby is so beautiful :) heheh   I forgot to write in here...   I had my daughter 4 weeks early, but water broke the weekend I was watching my sisters children (she was out of town) at 2am. That was really great.   It was a huge long battle ever since she was…
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  • 32 weeks.
    April 3, 2008
    I cannot believe that I am already 32 weeks. Its exciting...I cannot wait until our baby is here.We're still have a name I like a name, and we had pretty much agreed on it, until he asked me a middle name for the baby. Then I mentioned that I want her to have a…
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  • not sure.
    January 6, 2008
    man, I dont know what is wrong with me. I am sitting here aching for that feeling that you get when you've been waiting for so long to talk to someone, and it is so amazing and it feels so good.I want that "person" back in my life. I dont know who it is, I…
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  • Baby..
    November 26, 2007
    I havent writen in so long. My last entry was such a negative one. So many things have changed since then.My husband and I found out that I am pregnant on September 27th. I am not 13 weeks and 5 days. We are both very excited and cant wait until our baby arrives. Things with…
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  • Marriage
    August 11, 2007
    I feel like since we have moved here, on base, that I have been more lonely than I have ever been.My husband seemed to change at basic and training, he isnt the same person. I feel so alone. I dont have family, only 1 friend. And that friend is going to be moving soon. *sigh*My…
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  • Busy Life
    July 13, 2007
    My life seems so busy lately. It seems like I have no time to sit down an do anything really.When I moved all the way over here I was really excited because I was going to be living an hour and a half away from my friend who lives in Maryland. I thought that I…
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  • just had to say
    April 25, 2007
    sometimes when im sitting here. I cant stop missing us. what we used to be. I wouldnt trade what I have now, but what I had many years ago, that friendship with you, I want it back.
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  • Different person.
    April 25, 2007
    Im a different person than I used to be. Sometimes Im not really sure if its for the better or for the worse. I was looking through old notes and emails I used to save from old friends. And I just, I dont know. I dont have friends like that anymore. And I dont know…
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  • time goes by so quickly
    February 26, 2007
    in april i will be married for one year. how crazy is that. i cant believe its already been a year.on march 9th my niece will be 2. 2 years old and i cant be there to celebrate, or even see her.i miss my family, i miss my sister. I miss my nieces and nephews,…
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