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I had a moment…

May 27, 2013
 Last night my house was full of friends i love. There was laughter, meaningful conversation, and memories made.  One of the couples has two children, two incredibly awesome children. We were keeping them entertained while mom & dad ate. A group of us were sitting on the floor aroun...
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Recent Entries

  • Why so much more this time…*
    April 11, 2013
     I find that i’m most reflective with rain beating against the windows and a cup of something hot within reach; with soft melodies leaking out speaking of truths, joys, and heartbreak.  I’m most myself dressed in something comfortable with hair wild and free, and something u...
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  • 04/08/2013
    April 7, 2013
     Where am i in life... I suppose that is the million dollar question. I haven't really posted since november'ish of last year.  Honestly...i think i've been afraid confused with out to write. What am i to say when life has been the same day in an day out for months. When my friends...
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  • short….
    April 6, 2013
     Well i suck at update. But i really really miss writing.  Here's to hoping i can find some time this week to really write out my thoughts and what has been happening in my world as of late.    i miss y'all!
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  • Speak & Silence
    February 13, 2013
     Sometimes you just need to speak. Speak out into the chaos. Speak out on what is weighing you down.  Speak out to offer love. Speak out to just be heard.  Other times you just need to embrace the silence.  Embrace the moments of stillness. E...
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  • 2013
    January 8, 2013
     2013 let's do this.  . . . I'm not making resolutions this year...i'm making life changes. In my opinion resolutions can be forgotten or discarded easily, but making a change holds more weight & forces you to actively pursue a better life. I've made a list this year full of changes...
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  • Sick.
    December 15, 2012
     I haven't been THIS SICK in a long, long time. I've been up since 2am with a lovely virus that has done absolutely horrific things to my peace of mind.  I'm so thankful to have a roommate and a brother who take care of me. The Broseph came in after i had thrown up a…
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  • Almost the end… *p*
    October 28, 2012
    Yesterday was fan-tastic. Seriously. I sat around and did nothing for 99% of the day. I woke up late, drank coffee, read Scripture, watched Glee, cleaned my room, cleaned the kitchen, parked it back on the couch, watched more glee and a 1950s was splendid.  SO splendid that i fo...
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  • Tomorrow…
    October 18, 2012
     Is a new day. That means i can put today and the last few weeks, months, years behind me.   I can get up early, do a work out video or two, drink some coffee, clean and relax.  I can choose to eat healthy and stay away from garbage that is killing my body.  I can…
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  • Another year…
    October 14, 2012
     This past weekend...   was busy! So prepare for a picture OVERLOAD. . . . Friday i went from this:  ... To cutting off about 4-5 inches of dreaded hair and getting a splash of color and flat ironing it for the first time in about a year. No worries it is still curly, it's…
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