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Dear Lydia:

November 25, 2013
It occurs to me, some nights, that I may not be around forever. I'm not exactly the standard of healthy in a human being, but then, a terrifying end with a wrongfully placed bus might just be around the corner. The following is written in the case of my untimely demise (or as timely as…
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  • Wreckless Abandon
    June 11, 2013
    When the clock hits noon, that's when everybody leaves their designated cubicles, pacing through to the parking lot and into their own vehicles like trained rats in a timed maze. For it is lunchtime, and the union says that if we don't unassemble right then and there, we shall surely perish of st...
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  • 3 things that I need to get off my chest
    March 12, 2013
    The internet is a foul, dirty place, Filled with nothing but misinformation and blatant lies, Scouring through the masses for anyone that will pay attention, And believe every last word like it's the fucking bible. Hail to you, Internet, controller of the people, god of mankind.  1. GMO or G...
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  • Divvy up the stuff
    February 14, 2013
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  • I-mesh and the great becoming
    January 1, 2013
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  • An open letter to greg:
    December 11, 2012
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  • Monday
    November 26, 2012
    I know you tried to rescue me Didn't let anyone get in Left with a trace of all that was And all that could have been Please Take this And run far away Far away from me In my nothing, You meant everything. Everything to me. Twenty seven years. Twenty seven fucking years. This is…
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  • The gay gene
    November 14, 2012
    *Disclaimer - It is not my intent to offend anyone, gay or straight, in the following. I am not gay, never have been, and I certainly have no right to speak for any gay person. I am however, entitled to my opinion, and that is what the following will be. I'm sure I'm not alone…
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  • A fashionably late dedication
    November 4, 2012
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  • Five lies that the anti-tobacco industry
    November 4, 2012
    Wants you to believe. So there's a guy, he's british, I don't know if we should hold that against him BUT - There's a guy. He wants to make the warnings on the cigarette packs BIGGER. He wants the WHOLE FRONT OF THE PACK to be the warning, As if the problem was that smokers ju...
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