Hi! I'm Pyro (Pronounced Peer-oh) and I'll be writing about my progress with me and my crush. I am an average middle school girl with a taste for weird things. :)

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Part 5 of the saga!!!

September 4, 2024
I have so much stuff to share!!! Let's start with stuff about me and J so far. We're really good friends! Today he asked me if we could hang out for lunch! Again! Instead of hanging out with any of his other friends during lunch period, he picked me! We talked about random character ships,…
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Recent Entries

  • For J
    August 28, 2024
    You know I hated school until I met you I thought I wouldn't find anyone who really understood me But then I met you You were laughing about something one of your friends had said That crazy laugh of yours was just like mine I knew I liked you from the beginning, J Your crazy…
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  • Today was actually kinda fun (Part 4 of the saga)
    August 27, 2024
    Well, I'm not gonna lie, today was pretty good. I play capture the flag and J and I had a meaningful conversation. So basically, I was sad because a lot of other personal stuff happened to me. Here's the conversation: "Hey, Pyro, why are you sad? I can help" "<I'm caught off guard> Oh...wel...
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  • How I met J
    August 26, 2024
    I'm bored so here's a juicy story. Some months back, I had found a metal spork outside behind some trashcans. And then J slapped me at the back of my head just playing around, but I decided to chase him around the outside area just for fun with my spork. And that's how we really…
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  • Stuff that happened today (Part 3 of the saga)
    August 26, 2024
    So today I was minding my own business when the teacher partnered me and J up to read our paragraphs to each other and I started blushing like crazy. And other stuff happened, but I'll get to that. Teacher: "Okay, Pyro and J you two are partners." *J and I meet in the middle of…
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  • L, and how we broke up (Part 2 of the saga)
    August 25, 2024
    So at the time I found out I liked J I had a girlfriend. Let's call her L. L and I had been dating for four months and things were starting to get awkward. But when I found out I had feelings for J, I was afraid to tell L. I wanted us to be…
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  • Alright, here’s the dealio
    August 24, 2024
    So I have a crush on this guy J (I will not be sharing his real name). I have told 2 people and just broke up with my gf to try to see if I have a chance with him. My name is Pyro (Pronounced Peer-oh. I will not share my real name.) And It's…
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