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A little writing sample.

March 7, 2008
So a friend told me to start something else. Just to write a scene and see what happens. So I am going to do just that. I will start without knowing what will happen or who it will happen to. Now this is draft work so there will be typos and grammar problems and other…
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Recent Entries

  • A little help. . .
    February 27, 2008
    I have writers block. I am working on my novel and I have hit a wall. So I figured I would write in here and loosen up the old gray matter a bit. I need something to write about though. Any thoughts?Questions?Want an opinion on something?Anything at all, I just need to write.Thanks.P.S. I'm fine....
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  • At fingertips end.
    December 2, 2007
    That's where my heart and mind are resting right now. They won't spill out onto the page as I have been begging them to though. They stay there built up wondering when everything that I feel will pour out to the one that I want to hear it. I share things with those around me…
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  • Feast of the Favorites.
    September 28, 2007
    First let me apologize for my absence from OD. I have been increasingly busy and have not had time to read (or post) an entry, and for for that I am truly sorry. I got a few responses from the "Suggestions" entry and I would like to tap just a few really quickly if I…
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  • Suggestions?
    September 15, 2007
    I need something to write about. Not something as deep as before, just because I do not have the time. I just want a little something to rant about. I'm open for just about anything. You can look back to my first entry or so for a list of favorites. Thanks.~DK
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  • And thus man was born.
    August 29, 2007
    I just had an argument with a complete lunatic. A year or so ago I spoke in front of about two hundred and fifty upper teen - early twenty types at a church seminar. One of the questions I received in the question and answer part was "How can you deny that man was put…
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  • Evil by any other name
    August 20, 2007
    First let me preface this post by saying I am not an expert nor properly educated in this matter. I am just a being who was blessed with the ability to connect dots and make decisions based on what I see. I am not saying that I am correct in my assumptions nor am I…
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  • My Words on God
    August 18, 2007
    I am coming out of hiding to talk about this for a minute)I can not be the only one who is growing tired of seeing the "God's Word" posts every 3.5 seconds. I have never been of the mind set that you could influence belief in a higher power by forcing content on someone. You…
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  • A new topic.
    August 18, 2007
    It has been far too long since my last entry. (Not including my rant about the "God's Word" people)  Now it is time for my triumphant return. The problem being though, I have nothing to talk about. At least I can't decide. So help me out. Give me a topic. It can be ANYTHING.  ...
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  • Artificial intelligence.
    December 20, 2006
    Here is the question of the day: How about artificial intelligence? And its progressions, how it is now beginning to be integrated through society? How far it will proceed? Should there be limits? My thoughts: Artificial intelligence is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Society today has p...
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