My name is Annie, I have two beautiful children (15 and 7) and a beautiful bonus daughter (9). I started this for my own healing during my divorce journey and I'm praying it helps someone else on theirs too. We can go through this journey together. We can cry together. We can yell together. We can heal together. Most importantly, I love Jesus, so my journey is going to be full of Him also.

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Day Thirty-Nine: Healing

June 27, 2024
I'm pretty sure this is day 39... I kind of lost track with not doing this daily anymore. Not much has changed since my last entry. He's still putting in the work. We're still going to therapy every week. We're still working on healing and doing devotionals together and he's going back to church ...
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Recent Entries

  • Day Thirty One: Healing
    June 19, 2024
    I thought I should change the title of this since things keep changing in my life. My last update was day 21 where my husband said that he wanted to make our marriage work and he wanted to put in the work. He has been. He's been going to marriage counseling with me, has talked…
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  • Day Twenty-One: Healing Through Divorce
    June 9, 2024
    I haven't updated in 6 days. These last 6 days have been an ENTIRE rollercoaster. Things have happened. Things have been broken. Things have changed shape. There has been healing and more heartache. So much in the last 6 days and I'll do my best to let it all out on here. The last thing…
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  • Day Fifteen: Healing Through Divorce
    June 4, 2024
    I'm my own worst enemy. I'm going to hurt my own feelings because I keep making poor choices. It's crazy what love can and WILL do to you... Dear Husband, You keep telling me you love me and calling me babe/baby again. We've spent 3 nights together out of the last 4. I have genuinely…
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  • Day Fourteen: Healing Through Divorce
    June 2, 2024
    What a wild ride this weekend has been... for all the tea, go back to my day 12/13 combo. It's a wild ride... If you're all caught up for now, here we go with today. I genuinely had a good weekend. I was totally fine in my decision to sleep with my husband 3 times…
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  • Day Twelve/Thirteen: Healing Through Divorce
    June 2, 2024
    I haven't updated since day 11, and it's been a wild ride... Day Twelve: Corey text me asking me to find the title to his truck, he needed to get new plates. Okay, sure, I can do that. When are you trying to get the plates done because I have plans tonight, but I'll try…
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  • Day Eleven: Healing Through Divorce
    May 30, 2024
    Dear Husband, You text me at midnight asking if I was awake. I wasn't, but I responded when I woke up and you still won't tell me why you were texting me at midnight. The only thing you said was that you were drunk and passed out on the couch. You called off work today…
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  • Day Ten: Healing Through Divorce
    May 29, 2024
    My son turned 8 yesterday. He has a long list of mental health diagnoses, most of which are violent. I have been trying to get someone to listen to me since he was 18 months old. I always got "boys will be boys" or "terrible two's are the worst!" No. SOMETHING. IS. WRONG. WITH. MY.…
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  • Day Nine: Healing Through Divorce
    May 28, 2024
    Dear Husband, I love(d) you unconditionally. Through all the crap. Through all the narcissism. Through all the love bombing and turning things around on me and you not caring when I would be upset or crying. We were apart for 7 years and STILL managed to find our way back to each other. You have&...
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  • Day Eight: Healing Through Divorce
    May 27, 2024
    "Your trauma makes you stronger." That is a lie I've always believed. I have had an entire lifetime of trauma. I feel like I'm always stuck down in the pit and when I try to claw my way out, I get knocked back down even deeper than I was before. My dad had an affair…
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