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January 14, 2014
  I wake, my eyes and head are heavy from the confusing dreams I’ve had. The funeral is over, Joe has been buried.  I care about so few men that when one of my good friends die I am at real loss. I don’t feel great sadness, I will go on OK but the time…
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Recent Entries

  • My Son
    December 28, 2013
    You have no birthday because you have always lived; You were never born, and never will die. You are not a child of the people you call mother and father, but  their fellow-adventurer on a bright journey to understand the things that are. Richare David Bach
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  • Woman in the Moon
    December 28, 2013
      Woman in the Moon Hi Thanks for your note. Must look back over my news letters to see what highlights I can manage. The highlight of the last decade was the milleneum, not only the fireworks on TV but the sense of time also the fact that we moved into the home I built.…
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  • 2014
    December 23, 2013
      For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can…
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  • 2013
    December 23, 2013
        The year started pleasantly with a few days stay at Kingfisher Bay resort having Christmas dinner, it was dry, cool and very relaxed, then with a rush in the first week of January I assisted Maryborough Woodworkers with a series of workshops for scouts attending the 2013 Jamboree at...
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  • Lost Love
    December 9, 2013
      How can I engage with you How can I love you again. If I am to be the pariah Hated to the end If you don’t see how I love you And don’t see how I care What promise of forgiveness Is mine in life to hope for I held you as a baby And…
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  • Litoria Gracilenta
    December 7, 2013
      This morning I saw a Graceful Treefrog (Litoria gracilenta) in the rainforest garden, the sound brought back memories. I used to look forward to the calls of these frogs during summer when  the air grew humid and the sound of distant thunder rolled across the stillness. The rising wai...
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  • Let Me be your Son Again
    December 6, 2013
      Perhaps I go back. To a time of innocence, at time when my children thought I was a god. A time when… fast forward to now; My children are gods now fallen, to swords  their children bear.   I stand here at my parents grave, a cold north wind blows bitter from bay. Father&h...
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  • Sailing Toward Cape Horn
    December 3, 2013
    The Sea Gives .. The Sea Takes  29 November 2013 Report by Arie: On the Oosterchelde “The sea gives…the sea takes. A heavy saying in a fishing community, because fish is paid for dearly. As dramatic as in times gone by –when fishing vessels with full crew would not re...
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  • Father Forgive Me
    November 13, 2013
      As I drove west from Hobart I saw St Peters Anglican Church at Hamilton, tucked away in a side street off the main highway.  In the biting cold I walked the long path through the modern graveyards to this historic church. Behind the church was the older grave yard. St Peters was built...
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