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the one

January 1, 2014
 They say a father should always love his daughter because she will love the same way he does. I call bull. My father? Never loved. Never called. Never cared. According to statistics, I should be the same way. I should be addicted to drugs, self harming or be involved in promiscuous acts, al...
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Recent Entries

  • combination love
    December 21, 2013
    I want a love forever in the honeymoon phase, Where the butterflies never die, And the uncertainty of your lips always collide with mine That our bubble is always full of liveliness and a love that never dies Your vibrant eyes and my giddy smile I crave an endless passion Entangled in white sheet...
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  • dear mom
    September 9, 2013
        Before you read this, I’m asking you to do a few things for me. First, read with an open mind. For once, let go of all opinions. Listen. Be honest and aware about your thoughts and feelings while reading this. Respect and accept my opinion is all I ask. 0 0 0 Lets…
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  • farewell
    August 3, 2013
     Today is... The day of departure. In other words, a day of exchanging goodbyes. A series of "I'll miss you's" and "hope to see you again soon's" Though we hope we will, the unsettling feeling of hopelessness sets in. The chance of being able to meet again, though slim, b...
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  • bait
    July 18, 2013
    I swear I can't go anywhere without guys hitting on me. It's like around every corner is another guy wanting my number, my facebook information, or to tell me how beautiful I am. Yeah, sure it's nice sometimes. But honestly, it's an annoyance. I can't genuinely have fun because some guy is always...
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  • priorities
    July 17, 2013
     When life is good, it's great. When life is bad, it's... not that bad! This trip has had it's highs and lows, but the lows aren't plummeting. Yeah, sure, our plane was delayed, we missed a flight, lost our luggage on that plane, and got stuck for the night in Colorado with no way to…
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  • two faced
    July 16, 2013
    Have you ever looked at someone and questioned their entire being? Came to the realization and wondered that maybe... it was an act? You decided to dig a little deeper- past the lies, the secrets, the fake mask they wear. But what you see is a horror you could never take back. Their identity is&h...
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  • home sweet home
    July 15, 2013
    Today's adventure begins with a wake up call (and several cups of coffee immediately after) and news that grandma and grandpa have received info about our revised flight plans (way to go, agent!) We spent the day in Seattle- having rented a car for the day- reminiscing and "reliving" ou...
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  • detour
    July 14, 2013
    What a wonderful start to our trip! *Insert sarcasm here* From a four hour flight delay, one missed plane and severely chapped lips- I am exhausted. Still optimistic though! (Thank the pills for that one). We had planned to be in Canada tonight but for obvious reasons, that didn't happen. Instead...
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  • addicted
    July 13, 2013
    Your lips, so soft, so beautiful, so inviting. But they're a trap, an illusion, a decieving trick. The touch of our lips reveals the bitter taste of smoke on your tongue. With every word you speak I can't help but cringe at the breath of a last cigarette on your teeth. You've done it again. ...
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