What is there to say. I'm Old, Overweight, White, Straight but not narrow, and Most likely Privileged because of my White Male Upbringing. I am also a Husband, Father, Brother. I am a son even though my Parents have been dead for years. I have Demons just like everyone else and back in the day when I was younger writing was how I dealt with them. Perhaps I will do so again. Regardless if anyone reads the Crap I write or not.

Latest Entry

What Music means to me.

January 21, 2021
When I was really writing and filling up Composition notebooks (That I have since thrown away, because I'm stupid) music and some TV shows were what would spark the Creativity within. Songs to this day still speak to me and I will hear something from  during those times and be transported back to...
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Recent Entries

  • I did it.
    January 21, 2021
    So I decided to pay to keep this. Now though how much will I actually write is the question. I don't know if I ever said back in the Beginning about thisisbyus.com, a site that I Frequented a lot years ago. Heck there are a few people from there that I'm still friends with on…
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  • Saturday
    January 2, 2021
    I truly am Boring, yet right now I am sitting here and typing away while listening to music. Wondering just what it is that my demon are doing. They have been silent for so long and the longer it goes the more I wonder if they have left me altogether. The thing is that seems…
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  • Asset 5
    The Story of Damien Legend (Ongoing) Pt. 3
    December 30, 2020
    ​Training​ Nov. 26th, 2006 Later that night is when my training really began. I was taken to their Dungeon where Fangs chained me up and preceded to “teach” me, it was also a training lesson for Kalia. I will skip the details as they are only for my memories; I refuse to let this turn…
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  • Words
    December 30, 2020
    Letters across a page, flowing from my fingers in a never ending stream of consciousness. As time goes by they never leave me alone, I used to call them My Demons. Always Howling deep withing looking for any weakness to latch onto. I would pour forth any and all pain be it real of imaginary…
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  • Just another day
    December 28, 2020
    I woke up again. So That makes it a good day right? As they say nowhere to go but down after that. The thing is today was not really all that bad. No days really are anymore they all just bleed together anymore. I have been basically doing nothing lately besides work and home. I've…
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  • Holidaze… 8 days since my last Entry
    December 26, 2020
    Well I was hoping that I would write more but yeah didn't happen. Words just are not flowing like they used to I guess. When I was in my early 20's it was easy to just sit and write. Pour out all of the things that were in my head. Talk about all my demons…
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  • The Weekend
    December 19, 2020
    Last weekend before Xmas and two 4 day work weeks. I am amazed that this strange crap fest of a year is almost over. For the longest time it seemed as if it would never end yet here it is. Bright spot though is my younger son finally has a Job after almost 2 years…
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  • I didn’t write this morning (Day 3)
    December 18, 2020
    As the Title suggests I didn't do any writing this morning. Instead I stayed in bed a bit longer because well we had our windows open and it was cold. I was still able to get up and walk the Dog, take care of the cats and do all the other morning routines, I just…
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  • Asset 5
    The Story of Damien Legend (Ongoing) Pt. 2
    December 17, 2020
    All of the Writing for Damien Legend, "Words from a Fallen Angel" Were done as Journal entries about the Character I Created in Second Life so many years ago. Here is more should you wish to read. Day 2 So lets move on shall we, on my second night around them, at least I think…
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