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every season

November 28, 2008
I don't write here much anymore. I write in my blog for friends and family pretty often. I write Word files sometimes. But here...less and less. It's good for me, really. This site does need to be taken down, unfortunately. It's not something that I'll be able to have up as I move into my…
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Recent Entries

  • hear the cheers
    September 11, 2008
    My friends are out of town right now, so I'm checking in on their cat while they're away. This evening I stepped out of my apartment to walk down the street to theirs, and I could hear and announcer and cheers not far in the distance. I was surprised that I lived so close to…
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  • and then you’ll know
    August 4, 2008
    wow. has it really been this long since I wrote here? I couldn't believe it when I signed in and saw the dates on my latest entries. wow. I have been writing elsewhere - my public blog, in a journal for therapy.I'm tired now, but I do have something to write about. it's just that…
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  • not what I expected
    June 21, 2008
    every few months, I go through a phase where I worry excessively about my elderly persian cat. I wake up multiple times a night to tenderly reach out to feel her breath. I run my fingers over her bony spine and hips. I cuddle her extra, tell her I love her. when I come home,…
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  • the untold story
    May 31, 2008
    June 1st - that's a lovely date to remember.a few months ago, I decided that I trusted my two friends (married couple) enough to tell them my story. I didn't know when would be the right time to tell them, but I knew that I was ready to trust them with it. as time passed,…
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  • that’s what I want
    May 30, 2008
    money money money...just another rant about money. I'm not so sure that I want to go into all the background, but if anyone actually reads this, I guess it'd be helpful.I have three jobs currently. one: assistantship on campus in an office. it's 12-15 hours a week and pays for three classes out o...
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  • no need to say goodbye
    May 22, 2008
    I am an emotional mess right now. there are just so many thoughts swirling in my head - I have no idea how I can focus on one long enough to write it down and get it out. it's no wonder I'm feeling so emotional. there's just so much. I don't think I could list…
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  • money bags
    May 5, 2008
    I need to vent about money. I don't want to vent in my more "public" journal, because friends and family read far too much into it. venting got me into trouble on that journal before anyway.since I doubt I've written about it here, I'll give you the basics: I'm planning a great trip in august.&he...
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  • notably daily
    April 14, 2008
    It's been quite a while since I wrote here about a day in my life. I was reminded a couple of days ago, which reading through some old entries, that I used to do that quite often. it can be cathartic. and today was quite memorable, in several days, so here goes.last night I stayed…
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  • intimacy is danger
    April 1, 2008
    spring break was only a couple weeks ago - though it feels like months and months. because of break, I missed a week of therapy. so in the two weeks between seeing kate, I thought often of emailing her. I wondered if I had a reason to, what I would say, how she would respond,…
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