I need a place to talk about random thoughts and things. It is what it is. I welcome all conversation though as long as it's respectful.

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Walking but Going Nowhere at All

May 29, 2020
I'm so happy the gyms here re-opened. I would MUCH rather walk on a treadmill than on the cement anywhere. When I walk on the cement, my ankle acts like it can't handle it after the first day and I have to wear one of those Futuro ankle wraps. This is because of an injury…
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Recent Entries

  • Closing Day Nightmare
    May 25, 2020
    I think I mentioned before that me and my husband were supposed to be closing Friday on our first mortgage. The details are that we are buying a townhouse from my brother in law. The problem is that he was using it as a rental property and the people he was renting it to are…
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  • Who’s the Boss?
    May 19, 2020
    I'm totally annoyed that I can only find seasons one and two of Who's the Boss on the fire stick. I love the whole will they won't they trope and this show is great. The first time I watched it was years ago on Nick at Night and still now it remains one of my…
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  • Redeeming Love and Peace Lilies
    May 18, 2020
    My mom has once again started a book club. This is her second attempt. The first time she tried, it didn't go so well because she basically did it to get everyone to read a book that she'd been pushing on us for years. She didn't make any attempt to show she had real plans…
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  • 30 Flirty and Thriving
    May 17, 2020
    Today is my younger sister Lauren's 30th Birthday. When I turned 30, in 2014, my sister Beth, who is now 32, threw me a surprise party at her house that was 80's themed. She had invited our entire family, minus my dad, which I will get to in a minute. Me and Beth are full…
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  • The 80s Will Live Forever
    May 12, 2020
    It was only a few short years ago that I decided to watch 1983's Valley Girl. I've seen every John Hughes teen movie plus his non-teen movies, both directed ones and produced. I've also seen Footloose, Say Anything, and Better Off Dead. And I love ALL of them. I mean that. I love the 80's…
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  • I Heart Hart of Dixie
    May 11, 2020
    A few months ago, I was reading the comments on a post on the Gilmore Girls FB page that I am in and someone had commented that they compared Hart of Dixie to Gilmore Girls. At this point, I had never watched Hart of Dixie. I had scrolled by it on Netflix, but had never…
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  • Bonding over Madigan
    May 9, 2020
    For the last few weeks, my boss has been sitting in my office with me during my shift, doing half the job etc because her hours were cut because of this virus crap. She was told that the only way she could make up the rest of her hours was to work in my department.…
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  • Girl Power
    May 5, 2020
    Every boy and every girl, spice up your life! Yeah so this post is completely different than what I had originally anticipated writing about. I am 35, in the middle of going through the process of buying my first house while attending graduate school for counseling and working full time. When I t...
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  • Do you like coffee? Only with my oxygen.
    May 4, 2020
    So the title is actually from season 1 episode 5 of Gilmore Girls in which Max Medina asks Lorelei if she likes coffee. I thought this line would be perfect for a title because I love coffee as well as Gilmore Girls. Usually, I have coffee about twice a day in a tumbler that is…
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