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My Mikey Feb 5, 1988 – Dec 1, 2012

April 8, 2018
I was re-reading old entries and I came across this one that I had written about Michael way back in the day. Things with my son M who has had a lot of problems in the past have been going pretty well. He is a little more open and honest with us, calling us when…
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Recent Entries

  • Reply to Rock me to sleep
    April 8, 2018
    Call Me Not Back From The Echoless Shore by Charles Carroll Sawyer in 1861   Why is your forehead deep-furrowed with care? What has so soon mingled frost in your hair? Why are you sorrowful? Why do you weep? And why do you ask me to “rock you to sleep”? Could you but see through…
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  • Poem I have loved for a long time
    April 8, 2018
    One of my favorite books of poetry is The Best Loved Poems of the American People. I loved it so much that after many many years, I had to go out and buy a new one.  This poem and the one that will follow has always been a favorite of mine. My mother died exactly…
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  • 5 Things I am grateful for:
    April 7, 2018
    I am so very grateful that I am surrounded by people who love and even like me. I have the best friends and family. I am grateful that I have the means to indulge in my greatest passion, books, books and more books. I am grateful that we were able to figure out what is…
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  • Things that go bump and make noise in the night….que the Hitchcock sound track
    April 7, 2018
    About a week or so after Christopher died, we were all on the main floor and I heard a noise. I walked around the house and when I walked into the kitchen I could tell that it was music I was hearing. But from where? As I started walking towards the garage door I passed…
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  • Part Two
    April 4, 2018
    I don't remember most of what happened after Christopher died. To hear my husband and kids tell it, I got lost for a very long time. Three months after Christopher died, my youngest son was deployed to Afghanistan. So when he came home on leave before his deployment mid December, we sent him down...
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  • What’s happened in my life since Feb 28 2008
    April 3, 2018
    My last entry on O.D. was about a leap year change and how we took custody of a 16 year old girl. What I don't think I mentioned then was how against this I was. I fought it until I could fight no more without giving away my reasons. Yes, I fell to wants and…
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  • Hello Open Diary….I’M BAAAACKKK
    April 3, 2018
    WOW, Open Diary is back up and running. I didn't realize how much I missed it until it was back. SO much has happened in the ten years that I don't even know where to start. I don't have time right now to recap it but will do so, hopefully tonight or tomorrow. I can't…
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  • Leap Year Changes
    February 28, 2008
    I didn't realize it right away, but today being Leap Year makes the changes seem even more amazing to me. The big change that has happened today is that we have taken on guardianship of a 16 year old girl. Not at all, what I thought I would be doing or the direction I thought…
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  • Anger Issues
    January 20, 2008
    I haven't written in a while because I can't quite still my mind body and soul long enough to hear what I need to hear. To still the voices and find out what it is I should be doing. Staying stagnant isn't working, but fear and anger, yes I do believe it is repressed anger,…
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