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August 15, 2013
Tom has abandoned me – he’s gone camping for the weekend with our friends. I don’t do camping, so here I am, all alone. He left yesterday evening – it’s very strange being in the flat without him. I’m going to go and see Mum tomorrow and stay the night with her...
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Recent Entries

  • Worst. Diarist. Ever
    June 25, 2013
     I know. I know I'm awful. It's been months and months since I've updated. I don't know why. I come on the site every day to read everyone else - I even leave notes sometimes, so I don't know why it's so difficult to write an entry. I've got a new job since I last…
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  • Exciting News!
    February 12, 2013
    Tom asked me to marry him!  I can't begin to describe how happy this makes me. He actually asked on Friday 1st February (our 10 year anniversary) and it was the most perfect proposal I could have asked for. I got home from work to find that he had lit candles in the shape of…
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  • Excellent Blog
    January 25, 2013
    Hi guys. Just a quick entry to recommend this blog: This is something my boyfriend has started about film, tv, video games, etc that he loves. It's really good, very well-written and well worth a read. Check it out!
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  • Proper Entry Innit
    January 6, 2013
    Happy New Year everyone. Had a nice Christmas and New Year. Went back to Malvern the weekend before Christmas and stayed with Tom's family. Caught up with friends a little bit, and played lots of Christmas-type games, and it was all very nice. We were there for Christmas day, and had all the exte...
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  • Just a Survey
    January 2, 2013
    Ipod Shuffle Meme 1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING! 1. How are you feeling today? You Don't Care About Us - Placebo. 2. Will you get far in life?…
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  • Weekend update
    August 31, 2012
    So, as usual, not a lot to say... The biggest change in my life at the moment is that I'm on a diet. I saw a deal on groupon for justslim so I've bought membership for 3 months. I've been doing it for a week now and it's going ok. I feel like I'm actually…
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  • No longer alone
    August 8, 2012
    So, Tom's back from his week's work experience. He had a really good time. It sounded very good and useful - he got moved around a lot of different departments and met clients and went to court for hearings and lots of interesting things, so I think he's really pleased to have done it. I'm…
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  • All alone…
    July 28, 2012
    Tom's left me for a week to do some work experience with his uncle's firm of solicitors. It's closer to Malvern than here so he's gone to stay at home. He only left this afternoon and I miss him already. I expected to miss him, but I felt sad as soon as he got on…
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  • hmm
    May 31, 2012
    Well, the regular entry-writing worked for a while... Didn't take long for it to stop though. Oh well, let's try again. Haven't got much to catch up on, just thought I'd check in quickly. Shall we try bullet points for a change? teaching myself to touch type again - going pretty well losing ...
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