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Summertime and the livin’ ain’t easy.

April 19, 2005
It's finally summer-y 'round here.  Thank God.  There's nothing better than coming home from a 5-hour-long class (where, at one point, you compared a vein in your teacher's head to the vas deferens of a dogfish shark...which will surely net you an F in the course) and just collapsing on...
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Recent Entries

  • Fuck you, creepy redneck man!
    April 17, 2005
    Aligned center, BITCHES! Good news and bad news for you all. The good news:  My subscription was finally switched over to this diary, so I'm OD plus.  Woohoo!  Chapters and happiness to follow shortly. The bad news:  There is a 99.9% chance that Boyfriend is not coming Friday....
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  • Personally, I roll more than I rock
    April 15, 2005
    Grah.  Work today, as usual, sucked.  One of these days, I'm going to beat up work and make it give me its lunch money.  That'll teach it. I hate it when people do this...they come just a foot inside the store and stare at the ear piercing station...and then wait, expecting us to i...
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  • The return of the weekly theme.
    April 15, 2005
    Have you ever been in love with somebody who could not return your feelings? Yes.  It was a horrible situation.  I'd rarely felt so deeply and it hurt a lot to realize that my feelings would never be returned.  I struggled with this for a long time... But then I moved on. Your firs...
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  • The Saga of Mark rides again
    April 13, 2005
    I thought I was done with the saga of Mark, but no.  He manages to impact my life, yet again. Apparently, he's started talking to ex-RA and telling her that I've been talking shit about her. Things I've actually said about ex-RA: 1.  Why yes, she IS dating a girl in her class. 2.&n...
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  • Ignore the drama
    April 13, 2005
    Last entry sucks.  Drama drama drama.  Stupid women's college.  Womyn's commune.  Whatever we're calling ourselves these days. I spent forever and a year downloading a remix of 'Closer' by NIN...and it barely has any of the original song.  Fucking remixes.  When ninj...
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  • KiiiiiiYAH! *edit*
    April 12, 2005
    Aligned Left.  Do you see this?  I'm aligned LEFT.  I hope you all are happy. Today was my first day of karate class.  I must say, I look positively smashing in my little get-up (a 'gi', is it?).  I'll take a picture as soon as I have a belt (i.e. tuesday, the next time w...
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  • Some quick thoughts
    April 12, 2005
    Note to China: Gah. Movie.  'Hero'.  So fucking sad.  CRIED EYES OUT. GAAAAAAAAAAH! --The Puffy-Eyed Ninja Note to the man who just drove his motorcycle by my window: Your ability to make lots of noise at 11:35 PM really makes me want to have your babies.  Can you squeal tires...
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  • The food known as PAIN *edit*
    April 9, 2005
    Sweet Baby Jesus. Roommate and I were making dinner tonight and she was cutting the haba...haben...habawhateverthefucktheircalledbuttheirhotlittlebastards peppers. She commented how they were burning her fingers.  I said, "No way.  Lemme touch!"  I did.  "They're not burn...
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  • Like a Phoenix from the ashes, I’m covered in soot
    April 8, 2005
    [Static Ninja] is no more.  Let us all shed a tear for her wonderful beauty.  Let us also send a donation of $100 USD to  Come on people, quit being such stingy pussies. Anyhoot, I'm here.  Again.  I'm not leaving OD, or anything like that.  I'...
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