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August 22, 2013
Well. I'm chilling in my living room listening to a 3 month old baby coo up a storm. My 3 month old baby. It's more than surreal. I don't think I really was 'bonded' to him until he was born. Some people feel an overwhelming sense of love before their child is even born, but…
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Recent Entries

  • And secure the blessings of liberty
    December 27, 2012
    It kinda blows my mind that its nearly 2013. Christmas was very good :) but it always is. I am constantly thankful to have Rich home. I frequently say to him that I am glad he is home. He usually laughs and says "I've been home for over a year." That's okay. I will always…
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  • 33 minutes
    December 20, 2012
    So, in approximately 33 minutes... my best friend/husband gets off of work and onto a five day Christmas break :) Whoooooop whoop. I decided I may as well write an entry.... considering I have time to spare. Also, I am avoiding facebook like the plague because dumb people writing their dumb ...
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  • joy
    October 24, 2012
    Yep. I made almost all of this diary private :) like ... over 1000 entries. And I'm really glad that I did. This might just mainly be a private diary. Or I may start an entirely new public one. I am not really sure. But it's definitely kind of nice to start fresh. It's sort of…
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  • contradictions
    December 3, 2011
    How is it that people never seem to feel like they are enough? Not 'good' enough... not 'attractive' enough... not 'smart' enough. Then, at the same time people often feel as if they are too much. To overbearing. Too loud. Too spontaneous. People are quick to lose confidence and not believe in th...
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  • details
    November 23, 2011
    I feel everything. Deeply. Some people are numb and floating through the world... but I am electrifyingly alive. Sometimes I pass strangers and am inexplicably saddened by the idea that I will probably never know them. Sometimes I stare at people and wonder if they realize how many people in...
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  • rarity
    September 7, 2011
    It seems that I rarely have time to write anything and when I do I don't really know what to put down. Is it weird to say that I feel like I have to 'watch what I write' here? It's also strange because one would imagine that with the large amount of stuff I'm doing…
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  • the person I want to be
    March 6, 2011
    I wasn't sure what to title this... not sure what I'm going to write down. Everything is pretty good. Yes, I am busy.... perhaps too busy. Sometimes I wish I had more time to do things that I enjoy doing but simply don't have the time for. Writing more, art stuff, taking the dogs to the…
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  • with style
    October 27, 2010
    I love shopping. :) I don't really even know why. I just like new things. (Clothes in particular.) In an unrelated note.... my birthday is in a week :) woot. I think I like the waiting up until the birthday better than the actual birthday. Sometimes the looking forward to part is b...
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  • i guess it’s a gift?
    October 24, 2010
    So I think I have this gift of not showing how awkward I feel. I must. Because if I actually looked as awkward as I felt in some conversations then people would stop having those conversations with me. Alas. When people find out that your husband is deployed the conversation is always instan...
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