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February 16, 2013
So this is just a quick shortie.  V-day was pretty good- I panicked last minute and bought probably too much- he got me a nice dress, some magnetic letters, a bunch of lavender bath supplies, some chocolates, and a card.  I got him a moss terrarium, a fountain for his desk, made him som...
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Recent Entries

  • The things I think about the election…
    August 22, 2012
    Well hey there folks.  There's a few things that have been kicking around my brains that I wanted to get out.  First, I like to jump around a little from time to time and read other people's diaries.  It's nice to get a fresh perspective so I random a lot.  There's this one wo...
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  • April Fools… 2011
    March 31, 2011
    Just a highlight for you guys, more to follow       Beware a sinister red glow above your office on April 1st...                                               &nb...
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  • I promise not to become one of ‘those’ people…
    December 17, 2010
    Ok.  I swear I will not become one of those people who only talks angrily about politics in their diary.  Promise.  Pinky swear.  But this particular rant is in regards to the DREAM bill that just got shot down in the Senate.  More specifically, in relation to this articl...
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  • re: bandwagon
    October 24, 2010
    So, everyone apparently has something to say about OD being down (and then down again) so I thought I'd throw in my two cents. Take it or leave it.    So- things that are awesome about OD (let's start there, shall we, so I don't sound bitter or something).  OD is for the most part,...
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  • Friends Only
    May 11, 2009
    I've made this diary Friends Only for the majority of all entries.  Note if you want to be added.              
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