These are the musings of a woman who wears many hats - mother, significant other, friend, student, human. I'm still trying to figure myself out. Maybe this diary will help.

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Hello again

September 3, 2021
I actually forgot about this diary for quite awhile. Thankfully, I was reminded, and decided I need to start journaling again. Even if I feel like I have nothing to say. Even if the words feel like they won’t come. But I need this. So much is going on, and I really think writing about…
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Recent Entries

  • You Can’t Win
    March 7, 2018
    I swear, sometimes there is just no winning with some people. Today’s example: my mother-in-law. G was venting to his mom about difficulties with his daughter, A. There’s a lot of backstory that I need to write, but for now, I’ll summarize it like this: A is a hormonal pre-teen with anger issues....
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  • Invisible
    February 25, 2018
    I find I often feel invisible. Like no one cares to listen to what I say. I tell someone to do (or not do) something, for reasons X, Y and Z, and then they go and completely disregard that. I feel it happens most often at home. No one in this house, except maybe my…
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  • Hello, old friend
    January 27, 2018
    Oh. My. Goodness. I can hardly believe this diary is back! What’s really weird is that I have been thinking about this diary recently, wondering if I still have my downloaded copy somewhere. But here it is! And what’s more is, I can actually use it! Wow. I am so happy to see this back. I…
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  • A Final Goodbye
    January 29, 2014
    It seems a little silly to write a final goodbye to a site I haven't touched in months (and really haven't fully participated in in years).  But this diary, this site, was a savior for me.  I owe it some final words. I started this diary way back in 2000 after my father passed away...
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  • Catch Up
    November 9, 2013
    So... it seems I've been away for awhile, and have some catching up to do!  I see a lot of talk on here about a new site called Prosebox?  Thinking I might need to check that out.  I have been on OD forever (though not actively for quite some time), but maybe a new h...
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  • I Wish
    March 17, 2012
    I really really REALLY wish I could stop dreaming about him.  It's bad enough to have finally recognized how I felt/feel.  How am I supposed to move on if he's constantly in my head, even when I'm sleeping? Sigh.
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  • Not Today
    January 17, 2012
    I should really sit down and write down all the events of the past 16 months of my life, in detail. I think it would be really therapeutic. In fact, I know it would be. The task is daunting. Sixteen months of your life, to be explained in a limited amount of words? And then, of…
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  • Life is stirring
    January 8, 2012
    I can feel myself coming alive again. And man, it is an amazing feeling. I feel like I'm finally starting to crawl out from under the blackness that seems to have covered my life this past year or so. I'm by no means fully healed, there's a lot still to be dealt with. But with the turni...
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  • Single Again
    March 4, 2011
    Or technically separated, I guess, since I'm still married. Sigh. Ben turned out to be, to put it mildly, a liar. An ever bigger liar than my husband, if you can imagine that. I don't really want to go into the details of all the lies or how I found out. Let's just say he lied about&hel...
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