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January 28, 2018
I'm waiting for my diary to finish this restoring process...I only have my first month or so right's crazy to read. I miss my dramatic younger years. I miss the simplicity that I saw as so difficult. I'm just waiting to see what else is there.
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Recent Entries

  • Life is Good
    August 11, 2012
     I arrived in VA on Thursday August 2nd. Friday August 3rd I signed a lease after looking at multiple apartments and houses. I am the renter of an adorable 3 bedroom, 1 bedroom house that is 20 minutes from work and 4 miles from Mike. I am using one bedroom as my own, one as…
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  • had to
    August 2, 2012
     So I never write anymore but I felt I needed to document this one... ~I FINALLY overcame most of my driving anxiety and got my driver's license. I bought a 2012 Scion XD and LOVE it. I packed all my clothes and shoes and drove 8hrs by myself to VA. I am staying with Mike…
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    June 17, 2012
     I have been back and forth to VA...all is okay. Mom is having surgery...possible cancer of her thyroid. Had some job offers in NY but nothing good....had an interview in VA this past Friday, waiting hear.  I still read my bookmarks every few days but I barely note.  I need book su...
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  • Game Over
    April 19, 2012
     I think I'm done with OD. I have written in here for years but find myself only complaining and never telling you guys all my thoughts. I have a hand-written diary that I am much better about. I think I just need to be done here. I am still going to read my "bookmarks" for…
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  • I’m green like I have never been green before….
    March 16, 2012
     Mike is currently the center of my world. It’s crazy how strongly I feel about him. He seems pretty damn close to feeling the same way about me. He’s more reserved in sharing his thoughts but he does express himself much better than J ever could. I compare them a lot although I ...
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  • my heart
    February 25, 2012
     I survived the top of the mountain with the kids and boss. We made okay time coming home but it was still hectic. We got to NYC at 1:30pm, I brought in the kids while she parked the car and then we unloaded all the crap she had to stop and buy at Target. As…
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  • Top of Ole’ Smokey
    February 21, 2012
     We are sitting in a house on top of a mountain. Sounds is. It's also painfully boring and inconvenient. It was 22 degrees yesterday, the twins and I did not go outside. Even if we went outside, there is little play space because it's the top of a mountain! Inside is a massive...
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  • a week left
    February 15, 2012
     Student teaching is flying by. I'm doing well. I am comfortable in the classroom and like the supervising teacher. My college supervisor has done my two required observations and she loved my lessons and teaching style. She had nothing negative to say nor did use have constructive criticism...
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  • Moving
    January 27, 2012
     I think I am moving to Virginia. I have been in love with the idea of James for over 10yrs and I can finally say, “I am over him and the idea of him.” All my long time readers will shake their heads and say, “never.” I’m serious and I’m sure. Normal 0 fal...
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