I just need a place where I can express what I can't express to anyone else.

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  • Save time.
    August 21, 2019
    Maybe I should write my final suicide note now and save time for later.
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  • Dishwashers
    August 20, 2019
    Received another "dishwasher"lecture today about how I don't load it right. Believe it or not this has gone on for 10 years or longer.  From now on I wash them by hand.  Of course,  if I do that, I will be scolded for using too much water. Just another day as the in-home moron.
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  • I am back for a bit
    August 20, 2019
    Wow...looks like it's been over a year since I've been back here.  Much has happened, and most of it not good. I quit my job with my sister and brother-in-law to go into insurance sales full-time.  That lasted for about four months, two agencies, and not much money. (This may sound somewhat ironi...
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  • A little something…
    August 17, 2018
    Since I am in a little better mood (except that my feet are killing me from being on them all day), I thought I would share some little tidbits about me on occasion, without trying to sound selfish or perverted 😊 DancingThrough's picture of her new hair style brought this to mind today--whenever ...
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  • Thank God for family
    August 15, 2018
    So...I actually considered going to truck driving school in Phoenix. I was in the middle of the application process when I discovered that, because I control my type 2 diabetes with insulin , I would not pass the physical without an exemption from the federal government.  That process can take up...
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  • I could use a real phone call today
    August 8, 2018
    A call for an interview...that is what I really need today. Time is getting short, along with my patience and my mood. We are watching the animated version of The Last Airbender. I always like watching the last few chapters to watch the bad guy get his. Lately at night I've been watching the Mobs...
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  • Physical affection
    August 6, 2018
    Note--this entry may be a little PG-13. I was texting my cousin a little last night, explaining to her why I did not attend our triennial family reunion: Me--I don't want to be close to anyone in any way. Her--That’s not anyway to be. People are amazing. Most of them anyway. Me--I wish it were&he...
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  • I hate weekends
    August 5, 2018
    I hate weekends at home.  Always too much work around the house and property to do. Of course, I never do it right. Weekends are just another source of increased stress and anxiety.  It is becoming more and more difficult to stay here.
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  • Almost fell for it
    August 4, 2018
    Still looking for work. I applied for several more jobs today, but I nearly fell for a job scam...the OTR trucking school. CR England, a large trucking company,  advertises that they will pay for your schooling and guarantee a driving job with their company if you give them a year of your life. I...
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