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Surgery and depression

July 25, 2024
I am really in the middle of a mental health crisis.  a week ago i had a huge cancer surgery.  1/2 my pancreas, all my spleen and all abdominal lymph nodes. I had a tumor on my pancreas. rather than waiting for it to turn cancerous the surgeons thought a better approach would be to…
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Recent Entries

  • appointments have been made and…..
    January 18, 2024
    I am trying to be very proactive where this tumor is concerned.  It really scares the daylights outta me to have it.  i know that pancreatic cancer is  not often curable. They did that blood test for it, and the test was negative, i do not have the pancreatic cancer antigen .  I will have…
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  • Am I keeping up with it?
    January 17, 2024
    Not as well as I wanted to.  I keep thinking I need to go to the ER and be evaluated for diverticulitis. I had it at the end of November. The cat scan showed a pancreatic tumor.  They kindly pushed me out the door and told me to call my doctor for a special type…
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  • My First, First!!
    January 6, 2024
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  • Happy New Year
    January 4, 2024
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  • lowest of all
    November 23, 2022
    Happy Thanksgiving I must confess, this is the first time i have ever thought seriously about ending my time on earth. I know my family would smile.
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  • Helpppp
    September 19, 2021
    Hellos out there in diary land. I was to get a copy of text messages off my phone and onto an entry and I do not know how. Can someone help teach me please?
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  • Life takes a bite, twice in a week.
    September 18, 2021
    Poor Tucker cannot return to school until the 23rd. That is next Thursday. twice this weekend i have been quarentined for exposure to COVID 19.  I sure hope there isnt a set back in his learning. i sure ope there isnt a set back socially.  which is ironic seeing he has tendencies to be a…
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  • Getting settled in the new school year.
    September 17, 2021
    I am thankful for in person learning this school year. It had been a year and a half since I’ve had a break. The first week or 2 I was so tired and I was able to get some rest. I was depressed, it will come and go. I can deal with that. I cut…
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  • Some days, and other days.
    September 14, 2021
    I went to the hospital this morning. Abigail was happy to see me.  I became very concerned when she told me her heart enzymes were still going up. The nurse came in the room a few times. Abbie was heavy on the call button. the cardiologist came in. I had him as a doctor when…
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