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March 24, 2007
The reactions I see when it happens are priceless. I think I'm somewhat aware of the people and things around me but yet, I dono, it seems hazy. Although when I think back, I can hear more than see the people around me saying things. I'm not sure how much of it was directed at…
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Recent Entries

  • This title has nothing to do with the entry below
    January 6, 2007
    I can't tell who I am anymore.I've changed so much that I haven't changed at all. After he left I just let myself reverse everything good that had happened to me, and started to revert back to the way I used to be, before I even met him. I'm so self-conscious, I hate the way…
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  • It’s all just a matter of time
    December 31, 2006
    "Happy New Year" is the phrase I've seen the most on every single website I've visited today. I'm sure it's what a lot of the entries on this site are about today (I hate to conform and actually write an entry about the new year as well, but hey, what else is there to write…
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  • The Thread is Starting to Break
    December 17, 2006
    I realized that something is seriously wrong with me when I looked down at my arms and couldn't find room to do any more damage. And the thing is, I don't know how it happened. One minute there was just a scratch or two, and now...I'm finding that I'm blanking out a lot lately. There…
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  • Just hang on one more day…
    December 9, 2006
    For the past three years I've been telling myself to just hang on for one more day. That one day has turned into three years, and I don't know where all the time went. For 3 years I've been forcing myself to live in the present and not worry about anything else behind or infront…
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  • Might as Well be Dead
    December 4, 2006
    For the amount of time people actually spend paying attention to me, I might as well be dead. I know I don't appear to want the attention, but that's what people don't get. Sure I like my alone time, but when I'm right in front of you, how can you think it's acceptable to just…
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  • Talked to Boy…
    November 8, 2006
    So I was talking to Boy yesterday, and I had my hopes and dreams completely shattered. This is the majority of our conversation: Him: There are only... well, only two people I              can ever be myself around if I'm talki...
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  • Been Awhile
    November 6, 2006
    Well I realized that I haven't written in here in awhile. So I thought I would update. Nothing all that big has happened in the past few weeks or so. I officially hate school, and am considering just dropping out. I'm sick of my parents. Those things aren't exactly new though. Today is kinda depr...
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  • I’m not okay
    October 15, 2006
    Shy Appearances is not doing very well. Shy Appearances is being stupid stupid stupid. Shy Appearances doesn't need help. Shy Appearances is fine. Shy Appearances will get better eventually. Shy Appearances will stop feeling like this. Shy Appearances is fine. Shy Appearances doesn't really want ...
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  • Decisions, decisions
    October 10, 2006
    I have a choice: 1. Getting internet in my room for 2 hours everyday. or 2. Having internet for as long as I get it now, but in the most crowded room in the house. So, there are pros and cons to both of these options. Pros for #1: ~privacy ~comfort ~quietness ~privacy Cons for…
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