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Confession 22

September 23, 2024
What's the most physically painful thing you've experienced? Being cheated on. Not the assumptions, not the accusations, but validating and confirming. Seeing the text messages exchanged, seeing the images that were sent. It broke me to my core. So badly so I have an entire Chapter dedicated to it.
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    September 22, 2024
    Describe your favorite sexual activity, position, or habit. Oral sex. I would rather perform oral sex on my partner then actual penetration sex. In part because we utilize the pullout method and I miss feeling cum. We don't use any form of protection and also don't want any more babies; I know ma...
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  • Confession 20
    September 21, 2024
    What is your opinion on love bites, do you want to give me any? Ahh the great hickey debate. Do I like giving them-no? I think on a man it's weird. Now if I was with a woman would I give them-most likely; but again I feel like when comparing the two body types; women…
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  • Confession 19
    September 20, 2024
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  • Confession 18
    September 19, 2024
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  • Confession 17
    September 18, 2024
    What's the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite sex? I would hands on play with myself. Its rumored that men wake up with a morning wood-aka a hardon. Why would I not?
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  • Confession 16
    September 17, 2024
    If you were reborn, what decade would you want to be born in? The 1950's. I LOVE everything about that era. I also feel like family was valued. It was a prized possession. Husbands valued their wives, they provided for them. Wives honored their vows and husband. Children were engaged more in fami...
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  • Confession 15
    September 16, 2024
    What's the most childish thing you still do? Whenever I get into an argument with my spouse I stop talking to him. I will sit there and conversate with everyone else in the room including pets. But if he speaks to me I completely ignore him as though he doesn't exist.
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  • The Subconscious Knows
    September 16, 2024
    I started this Chapter referencing the end of my 20 year "marriage" and I'm starting with what broke the camels back, what the moment of finality was. I'm working backward. I wish I could say it was one isolated event that led up to this or that it isn't 20 years of build up. 2024 has…
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  • “The Affair”
    September 16, 2024
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