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SHE’S 5!!!!

September 22, 2009
      I know it's been quite a long while since I wrote, and I PROMISE I will update one of these days, but I just had to say... HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY ALEXIS!!  My daughter is 5 today. Holy crap, where has the time gone?!?!?! Wow... lo...
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Recent Entries

    May 7, 2009
      I got the call yesterday morning! They accepted me for the position as Store Room Clerk in the Receiving Department at my old job. Sweet! I started yesterday at noon. Now, this isn't my old position, this is a different one for now. I'll be working under the Receiving Superv...
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  • Bullsh*t Interview
    April 26, 2009
      Hey guys! I've been a lil busy the past little while, but I have a few minutes and wanted to update you on the job situation. I will update on other things later today, but this couldn't wait. I get to interview for my job today. That's right, I said MY job. The job I&n...
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  • If it’s not one thing…
    April 9, 2009
      .... it's another. I"ll start by saying that there is a good thing that happened! I got a new water heater yesterday, so YAY for hot water! So happy! And the guys that installed it upped my water pressure too. Turns out, my dad forgot to tell me there was a whole-house water...
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  • No Hot Water=Blows
    April 7, 2009
      Oh happy day. Went out to dinner with a couple people last night. Kids and I came home about 7:30 and walked into the house and were immediately assaulted by the smell of burning wiring. Not good. I smelled that smell before. A couple years ago when an outlet was frying a plug-in...
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  • Haha, Too funny!
    March 26, 2009
      GOT THIS IN AN EMAIL FROM MY MOM, THOUGHT I'D SHARE IT WITH YOU ALL, MADE ME LAUGH!!! Why Parents Drink A Mother passing by her son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was pic...
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  • Happy Spring!
    March 19, 2009
      Happy First day of Spring everyone! Kinda crappy weather here for us. No sun, woke up to a dusting of snow. It's melted now, but we're suppose to get some rain mixed with snow later today. That will suck for driving! Not a lot to share. Got a bunch of stuff done around the…
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  • Update
    March 16, 2009
      Update time! Where to start, man, not really sure. Guess I'll start by saying I'm STILL not back to work yet. I keep tabs with the Temp Agency and I still have my contacts with Nor-Lake so I know how things are going there. Not looking good so far. They laid off another 55 p...
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  • Still Around
    March 5, 2009
          I'm still alive! Reading and noting, not writing too much anymore. Working on stuff around the house, taking care of the munchkins, trying to have a life. Been busy! I do have quite a bit to update on, and I will get to it, I promise! Will do it one of these da...
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  • Well Hi There!
    February 8, 2009
        Been a while, I know, I'm slacking. Been busy! Still not back to work yet. I worked for 3 weeks through a temp agency by me and might be back to work for them here shortly if things turn out. Otherwise I'm home all day with the kids. Going crazy and loving it!…
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