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March 18, 2009
  I see it's been 2 years since my last entry. Somehow I feel like I have nothing left to say anymore. I haven't done anything new really. I'm just wasting my life away and I feel like I should care but I don't. Only kinda care that i don't care enough. If that makes any…
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Recent Entries

  • 10 Days and Counting
    June 17, 2007
    Mmm just 10 more days and we will be heading for the lake. I'm so excited. i love it there so much. Especially the nights being out on the lake no other boats out there except the occasional fishing boat. Swimming and fishing and tubing. Chris is buying me 2 more months of wow for…
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  • The Perfect Fit
    June 14, 2007
    Li and I talked today and while he is still hurt and upset he doesn't hate me and he still wants to be friends. That just made my night so much better. =) Of course his trust in me has been damaged and that's something only time and being a good friend can repair, but…
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  • Market Price
    June 9, 2007
    I got absolutely nothing done yesterday. After I finished writing my entry I just played around w/the random button on here for another couple hours. Lucas woke me up at 11 because my friend Matt was supposed to come bring us another ticket for his show today. Of course at 11 I hadn't been asleep...
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  • Excuses Excuses
    June 7, 2007
    So Um it's been a long ass time since I've written and you probably all thought I was dead, but I'm not. (If there's even a you that remembers me anymore) I sort of got away from writing and the in October of last year I discovered World Of Warcraft. I think it's the greatest…
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  • Been too long
    March 9, 2006
    Hmm....Something is wrong with My Diary. I am probably being punished for my absence. I have been busy with life I guess. Work sucks as usual but I have a 4 day weekend so I'm psyched. Day 1 is still going though so I will have to write more later.
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  • I won!
    November 29, 2005
    I won NanoWrimo! *Does a little dance* I'ts been a long month. I'd like to thank my fellow tortured writer ~Give It All Away~ for the encourgment and say CONGRATULATIONS! to her as she is a winner too! I would like to blame it for the reason I have not updated in so long but…
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  • ugh too drunk
    October 7, 2005
    I drank too much and now I feelm sick. My friend Kam got a new job so we was celebrating and now I have to get up n 7 hours for work. Sigh I owe a lot of people notes and an explaination but it is all so overwelming right now. I thjink 4…
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  • Quizes and more Quizes.
    October 5, 2005
    Jack Sparrow- A charming, handsome, and incrediblysmart swashbuckler, everyone's favorite conartist. He is a master at manipulating peopleto use for his own cause. He can be shy abouthis past and is often a bit of a loner. Deepdown he's pure-hearted, even though he is apirate and a thief. He love...
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  • Waiting For My Beatings
    September 30, 2005
    I have been a horrible diarist and have not written in a long time. I am ready for my beatings now. I don't have a good excuse either Though last time I tried I could not get on OD for like 2 days. Anyway, I have not been doing too much. Played some more cyberpunk…
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