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All that lay behind dissociative state..

October 6, 2020
Encapsulated in this electrifying battle of pain, joy, torment, love.. there is no calm. no silence yet i lay, still, hours pass, a day passes as if my body in all its entirety has simply died like a heavy weight bizarrely filled with the fire of a dragon, heart of a lover, stride of a…
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  • .distorted.
    October 4, 2020
    times up.session done. .but..  I’ve not unravelled, come undone. .darkness engulfs me again, ’til next time. .i hide.i cry inside. .do you see me? .small child butterfly. .Your kaleidoscope eyes.. .I can almost feel your thoughts piercing my veins, seeking, exploring.. .i dont hide. .I’m hidden. ...
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