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A teasing night

March 6, 2007
Oh I know I'm very bad for not keeping this updated, and I am sorry about that, though I can't be to sorry for the fact that I have been busy and I don't think about this. Like I ever really did I know, but heck I still come back here once in a while,…
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Recent Entries

  • 11/22/06
    November 21, 2006
    Wow I am writing in here once again... now that is something you don't see to much anymore I know. But I thought why not, I'm on here so may as well write something in here once again for you all to read. I have to say that me and that guy have been talking…
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  • I want SEX!
    November 5, 2006
    It has been to long with out sex. I want some good ass sex now! I do have some good things to say about that though. If any of you have read my OD before then you should remember the night that me and my friend had some fun with those two guys we hooked…
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  • Don’t want to get deleted
    November 21, 2005
    I just want to put something on here so this doesn't get deleted, I will try and post something up on here soon.. mostly just been doing Favs only or Pirvate only... but if I don't post something up that's not favs or private I will lose my OD.... Hope everyone is having fun!!!! Sexual`Pleasures
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  • One Great Night!
    December 10, 2004
    I did something the other day that I never did before, and didn't think I ever would do, but it was fun I have to say that. I went out with some friends to a club and I just have to say I looked damn good going to. I had on my black skirt that went down…
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  • 11/8/04
    November 7, 2004
    I need to start updating this thing, but it seem that I don't have much time to write, or I just don't have anything to say. I wanted to start trying to write stories again, but everytime I try something happens so I can never start one. I am going to try and start one…
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  • Can you, Would you?
    November 7, 2004
    1. Tell me one thing you love about me. 2. Tell me two things you love about yourself. This one I'm particularly interested in, so make it good. I mean it. No self-deprication allowed! 3. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about YOU - and if you've already…
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  • Wow a update!
    January 2, 2004
    Wow I am writing in here again, it has been long enough, but I haven't really had time to write, and sometimes I do I just don't. Not many people read my dairy so I guess it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have been going out my mind, ever since me and Josh broke up I just can't…
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  • Me and Josh talked…..
    November 8, 2003
    Hey All, I am still alive if anyone cares. :) I just got done undoing my private entries so that they arenÂ’t private anymore, even those IÂ’m not really doing my stories anymore, doesnÂ’t mean people canÂ’t read what I have, and maybe let me know how they are. I know IÂ’m not that great…
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  • Not much of an Update
    October 7, 2003
    I just thought I would update since I haven't been on in a long time. Not much has been happening in mylife. Me and my ex are still friends, we do still takl, just not to much. I still love him, and it is hard not being with him, but there's not much I can…
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