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Oh wow, the old days…

April 7, 2018
I saw awhile ago about this site coming back, though I kind of forgot about it till I got an email about it being back up now. I'm not sure if I am going to stay or not, I guess I will see how it goes to if I want to or not. I haven't…
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Recent Entries

  • Another day, Another thought…
    November 21, 2011
    Feeling down and out is never good... Feeling lonely and depressed is never good either, so why is it I have to feel that way now? I was fine not 10 minutes ago; but now I just want to hide in a corner and not think about anything. Fat chance of that happening, the more I…
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  • LIttle bit of this, Little bit of that.
    August 19, 2011
     It has been to long, in same ways I miss it other ways I don't; it's kind of make no sense yet at the same times it does. To bad I'm not the kind of person who can just go out and fine someone and just have a one night stand. Though I can think…
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  • Hilarious, though some may not think so…
    April 13, 2011
    I got this in an email and that I would post it up with a little bit of my thoughts to it....This says if you are 40 or older, but I'm not 40 and I still know. :) If you are 40, or older, you might think this is hilarious! When I was a kid, adults…
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  • 10 Signs Your Spouse May Be Having…
    April 6, 2011
    Top Ten Signs Your Spouse May Be Having an On-Line Affair I have read all kinds of things online as I'm sure everyone has, though this is the first time I believe I have read this and I thought I would post it up... I know alot of people have had their own fun online,…
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  • A picture can do so much….
    April 4, 2011
      Just think of all the things this one picture can put in your mind.... So many things can come from just this small part of it all... The thing to think about is just what would you want to come after this, how far would you want it to go, how long would you…
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  • Porn….
    March 25, 2011
    This is the best place to talk about this topic, so here I am.... Me and my sis-in-law was talking about different things and some how we got on to porn and then that lend to sex, not like that is a big step to get to when you are talking about porn; Right? Anyway,…
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  • Thinking yet lost.
    August 30, 2010
     It have been forever since I have wrote anything in here....   Being in love with someone you can't have really sucks, more so if you have a day like I did where I thought to much about people and their lives. I took my aunt to the doctors today, why we were waiting for her…
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  • My Heart is with You!
    February 13, 2010
    I so totally forgot about this.... I know "How?" right? lol  In a way it is just easier for me to use Xanga anymore, because every time I come here the pages love to load and load and load and then finally come up. I don't know what it is, it's just this one, my other…
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  • You never really know anyone….
    September 2, 2009
    It looks as though I may end up loosing a really good friend, but I'm not to sure right now. I have to wait for him to reply back to me so I know. Unless he doesn't reply back to me at all and I get my answer that way. It's so nice to know that the…
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