Wife. Mother to two boys. Daughter. Sister. Friend. My life seems to revolve around everyone else. This diary is for me.

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Decision Time

February 20, 2018
My free month trial will be running out soon and I'll have to decide whether to pay to stay here. I'm still keeping my entries public because otherwise there's not much interaction. It seems like the people I was friends with in the past have moved on and don't really use opendiary now. I appreci...
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Recent Entries

  • Guns and Schools
    February 15, 2018
    When I was about five months pregnant for my oldest son, a little boy in our county took a gun to his elementary school and shot (and killed) a little girl. Her name was Kayla Rolland and she was only six years old; I do not remember the name of the little boy that shot…
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  • The B Team
    February 11, 2018
    The snow keeps coming and even though there are other places in our state (and country) that have a lot more than we do, I'm pretty much over it. My husband works a lot of hours and commutes 45 miles. Most days he leaves at 6:00 am and gets home between 8 and 11:00 pm.…
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  • Snowmagedon 2018
    February 9, 2018
    The kids are home from school today and we've gotten so much snow that I'm not even sure I could get out of my driveway at this point, even if I needed to. Luckily, I don't have to work today but we have two set ups tomorrow so I'm headed out at like 7:00 am…
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  • Smart Phones and Career Days
    February 7, 2018
    Yesterday when I woke up, my phone was dead. I mean, it had been plugged into the charger all night but it won't turn on and is apparently.....just dead. I googled all of the different things I could try and nothing has worked so I think I'm going to have to get a new phone.…
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  • I Don’t Have to Set Myself on Fire to Keep You Warm
    February 5, 2018
    So, I had a rough day. Argued with someone that I hate to argue with. In fact, I hate arguing at all. I'm so non-confrontational when it comes to deeply emotional matters. When it comes to speaking up for myself at a job or something like that, I do ok. Because the stakes aren't high.…
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  • Like Dumping a Junk Drawer on a Trampoline
    February 1, 2018
    The title is a reference to the thoughts in my head...I saw a meme once that said that and I thought "perfect - that's me exactly." This is the time of year that we are pretty slow at work. I already only work part time - usually 3-4 days a week - but right now…
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  • Survey Says…
    January 30, 2018
    1. Three things I want to say to three different people. Someday, you're going to miss this. I swear I only want the best for you; I'm not the enemy. Please stop doubting yourself; I swear you are AMAZING. 2. One of my insecurities. Am I enough? 3. What turns me on? Soft touches, whispers,…
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  • Color Me Surprised. Or Don’t. Cause I’m Not.
    January 29, 2018
    I'm pretty frustrated with Open Diary. I'm not super surprised that there are issues but I was hopeful that I'd be able to jump back in and use it right away. It's been three days since I started "restoring" my old diary. I'm still getting a message that it's restoring and may take up to…
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  • It’s Good to be Back
    January 27, 2018
    Wow.....*looking around* This is very surreal. I mean, I can't believe OD is really back. I don't even know how I feel about it. I guess I'm pleasantly surprised? I never in a million years thought, when OD shut down, that it would ever be back. It was really hard to get used to not…
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