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Life Long Learning

August 27, 2024
We learn everyday! In everything we do in our Lives, our Faith or  our studies, we are constantly learning and becoming better with everything we learn! The mistakes people make in this learning process are: 1) Not being humble enough to learn and appreciate that they will not always know everyth...
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Recent Entries

  • One size fits all timeline
    August 23, 2024
    “Graduated by 25, successful by 30, family by 35” Societal clocks huh? Who was the first person to standardize this?! That person failed us! You see the thing about time is quite interesting: People that lived closer to the beginning of time would live up to 500 to 900 hundred years, do you think...
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  • First time!
    August 21, 2024
    “It’s not hard, it’s just new” Im smiling writing this because many are times when we are hard on ourselves when we just can’t get things right on the first go! It just clicked that we shouldn’t view it like that, we should always consider that we learn only as much as what foundation we…
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  • Failures Foe, Fears Fellow
    August 20, 2024
    “Don’t be afraid to fail, you are already failing because you are afraid” Most people’s success is limited due to their fear of failure and the constant anxiety/worry for a secured future or successes often hinders their ability to give their best in what they can do now! Most examples of which a...
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  • Planing Pays
    August 19, 2024
    Someone once told me that when you plan your day it is like you are saying “This is what I’ll do to have the best day that I want!” Like imagine, I plan and say this is what it takes to live a fulfilled day. How amazing! Yeah, things don’t always go according to plan…
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  • Not a priority
    August 19, 2024
    Here’s the thing about people’s times: It can only fit in what they prioritize! Many times people complain that they do not have time when in actuality, the little time that they have will only be given to what they prioritize, so if they don’t have time for it, it really isn’t their priority. Pe...
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  • Diar-ly
    August 17, 2024
    Here’s the thing about procrastination, so long as you don’t decide to start doing what you need to do now, you’ll never start! Someone once told me the only thing that’s doing the thing, is doing the thing. Planning to do it, reading about doing it, imagining the results of doing it, telling som...
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