Hello! you can call me Bella. "Secrets of Bella" is my personal journey through the ups and downs of life—an honest reflection of my experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Through this diary, I open up about the secrets I’ve kept, the lessons I’ve learned, and the dreams I’m chasing. This is a safe space where vulnerability meets growth, and where I share my truth with anyone ready to join me on this path of discovery.

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My insecurity is eating me alive

September 6, 2024
It has been a struggle and I am feeling ashamed of my height eversince. I am 4'8 feet and guess how old I am. I am 31. Yes, 31 years old. I can say physically wise I am not ugly just I'm average, but there's this part of me that telling me. "If I'm a…
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  • People just want to hear what they want to hear
    September 4, 2024
    Hi! Diary, Its been a while since I write again to you. Last month was a roller coaster journey for me. Lots of downs and few were also ups. I just realized that people just want to hear what they want to hear. I have this cousin who has a relationship with an old man…
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  • Saturday8.24.24
    August 23, 2024
    Hi! Today is another day to start. It's Saturday and I decided to wake up early since I do have also a work time at 8:30 am. Yup I also work on weekends, Today I woke up calm and feeling at peace. I hope the day will allow me to let me continue as it…
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  • My darkest Secret of having Hepatitis B
    August 22, 2024
    My life has change the moment I discovered that I have a Hepatitis B. I was applying for a job way back 2015 when I find out I have this disease when the company ask to have Medical requirements. At first I was shock and told myself impossible , I cant have it because I'm…
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