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  • Kids, Christmas, Skiing, Back to Work. (pic heavy)
    January 27, 2013
     Kids are growing up so damn fast.  Well, kinda of... They're 10 months old now.  The adoption process is moving along quickly.  We have gone through committee and officially designated as the adoptive parents.  The Adoption, if everything runs smoothly with the Adoption ...
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  • Important Milestone
    September 25, 2012
     Today is a super special milestone... they terminated the rights of the birth parents today.  Which means the kids are now legally free for adoption. It's all just paperwork now!    Whoo hooo!   The kids turn 6 months in 2 days.  I could say time has flown, and it h...
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  • quick entry
    December 12, 2011
    Bullet points tonight, since Ihave like 3 1/2 minutes to write this:   Waiting all dress up to go to Portland Rock Orchestra. Our best friend's daughter is a member.  She plays guitar and violin. And can sing. She'll be famous some day. Ended up buying Mike's new car. I'm selling his ol...
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  • Today, and every other day
    November 22, 2011
    It's been awhile since I wrote here. You find when you haven't' written in a very long time you try to write about everything you've been up to, but it's totally superficial and you really don't get into anything too deep? And then you go " much more happened, and I want to write it...
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  • In a sunny place…
    October 17, 2011
    Cheers from sunny Palm Springs! We are enjoying our last few months child free and decided to come down and enjoy the sun.   Funny thing just happened...   We are staying at Todd's house down here, and he got a new pool guy. Who was here yesterday. And now the old pool guy just…
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  • 08/22/2011
    August 21, 2011
    Two weeks ago...   Mike just got back from China, still pretty jet lagged.   When he is traveling, I save all the newspapers for him. I get all my news from the online so don't usually read the papers. I was grilling up some steaks with this amazing coffee and spice steak rub from…
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  • I’m going to be a Daddy
    August 19, 2011
    Mike and I are adopting....   details to follow.   !!!!!!!!! 
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  • ‘fo ‘sho
    December 10, 2010
     Not sure what that title is about.  I just felt like saying it. Mike and I are hanging around the house today trying to decorate for Christmas. So much decorating, and we're like 3 weeks behind. Mike decided to re-light the main tree...yes we have 2 big trees as well as bunch of little...
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  • DeCemBeR
    December 6, 2010
    So, Like the MOJOFOGHO or whatever shit... See, I can write like I'm rocking the latest Opendiary craze, like it's 2003.   :-)   Life is good.  I've been meaning to make my great return to the pages of the OD.  I've been reading, not noting... blah blah blah... haven't I been ...
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