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Strolling across the spine of the steel serpent

September 6, 2024
Well, I finally did it – I registered to walk the Bay Bridge this fall. It was a bit more costly than I had expected, but if I am able to do it, it will be so worth it. This is something that I've always wanted to do, but just never really looked into it.…
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Recent Entries

  • The darkness will come upon it
    September 5, 2024
    The fallen Key Bridge has been in the news again here lately, and that has got me thinking back to that subject again. It seems that wherever there is a man made monster, there is a creator and a keeper of such. An announcement was made the other day, as to the state's choice of…
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  • It was like a mirror to my mind and maybe my soul
    September 3, 2024
    During my time working on documenting the restoration of Bloomfield manor I also did some artwork based upon photos I had taken of the house. Some of these works were drawings and others were digital manipulation of various photos. These other projects were less about the house itself and more ab...
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  • Letting go…
    September 2, 2024
    Eventually spring rolled around, and my graduation would be very soon. It was 1992 and I was hard at work on my senior thesis. That ended up being a slide show documenting the restoration of the house that was set to music. Plus a display of artifacts from the house. Being that this was a…
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  • The finishing touches
    September 1, 2024
    As my senior year began, the restoration of Bloomfield manor was well underway. I had now gotten into doing color photography and so I could take advantage of sunsets and other lighting situations. I was also doing other art related to the house, including drawings, paintings, sketches and digita...
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  • A possible restoration
    August 30, 2024
    To this day I still don't know what it was that drew me to Bloomfield, nor what was it that made see it a different light. But as I continued to photograph it as time went by, I felt as though I had begun to develop a bond of sorts with the aged mansion. So…
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  • A night at the old mansion
    August 29, 2024
    I continued my nocturnal exploration of the old abandoned house.  Having checked out the ground floor, I carefully ascended the main stairway. Being that this was a very decrepit looking house, I wondered if the floorboards were rotted and if I might be in danger of falling thru. But the stairs, ...
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  • A resurrected monster
    August 29, 2024
    Thus far this summer things have gone relatively quiet with regards to the eventual reincarnation of Baltimore's demolished metal monster, the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The state has said it would select a contractor by the “end of summer”. Such time is generally marked by the advent of Labor Day...
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  • A special, magical place
    August 28, 2024
    Up until now most all of the truly epic and important things and places in my past I've mentioned have often been sinister and unnerving in my mind, in addition to being compelling and even awe inspiring. But there have been others, including one place that was almost magical. This location I stu...
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  • What makes it special
    August 26, 2024
    Some more thoughts on bridges that are, or are not, as the case may be, identified as deadly by signage placed upon their spans. Upon reviewing my footage of the Delaware green monster, I noticed that its crisis hotline info is placed on the lane signal signs above the roadway. Probably as there ...
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