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Happy Thanksigiving!

November 27, 2013
I started out the day by crawling out of a warm bed into the cold bedroom. It’s not bone chilling cold, I think it was 18 degrees F when I got up, and we’ve been lucky, no snow or bad weather to put up with, but it’s cold enough, especially since I was buried under…
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Recent Entries

  • At the lake . . .
    October 20, 2013
    Back at Lake Superior again. Enjoy the sunrise.
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  • Painting
    October 5, 2013
    The kitchen really needs to be painted. It’s really getting gross. And as most of you know, painting the kitchen is one of the worst rooms to do, besides the bathroom. Lots of stuff to go around so it’s difficult to get a good speed and lots of stuff not to drop paint on. After…
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  • She’s Having a Baby
    September 27, 2013
    Towards the end of last May, I noticed my drug dealin’ neighbors and their eldest son’s girlfriend’s family all hugging and having a kumbaya session in their front yard. I said to Joe, “Hey, I bet the girlfriend’s pregnant!” Joe said, “Nah!” Fast forward to August. I noticed she was wearing a bag...
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  • Mums the Word
    September 21, 2013
    Fall came to Minnesota in a wave of late summer beauty. I love this time on the cusp of summer and autumn, before the leaves turn, before the temperatures stop dropping, and there is still a warm in the breeze. I used this gorgeous day to go out to the nursery and buy mums plus…
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  • Lawn Chair People
    September 14, 2013
    Joe rarely initiates couple activities for us, so when he does, I clear off my schedule, offer no excuses, and make myself available. Our couple tradition has been to have a long and leisurely Sunday breakfast. I get up at 6:00 am on Sundays. I feed the dogs, make coffee, and then put on my…
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  • The Unknown Ending
    September 7, 2013
    Two weeks ago, I went to my younger grandson’s football preview. A football preview, for those of you who don’t know, is a quick display of a football team’s offensive and defensive capabilities in a game-like situation, but not really in game. The preview lasted about an hour and as we were leav...
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  • A Victory for Old People
    September 1, 2013
    Diana Nyad completed her 103 mile swim from Cuba to Florida this afternoon. She’s 64 years old and this was her fifth attempt. And since I’m 58 years old, I’m especially proud of her accomplishment. She gives us all old people hope that we can continue to be functional as we age. After staggering...
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  • It’s Been a While . . .
    August 31, 2013
    Good gracious, I can’t believe I haven’t written in OD for three months! It’s not that I’m so busy, but I don’t allow myself time to write and I get distracted by other stuff. When I finally have a chance to sit down, I just don’t feel like writing or I don’t think I have…
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  • Just For an Instant . . .
    May 31, 2013
    Just for an instant the sun was within our reach this morning. It blinded me as I went into the bathroom as I got up this morning. The bathroom faces east and has a corrugated glass window that lets in the light, but doesn’t let in the view either way, so I keep it curtainless.…
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