Well folks, what you see is what you get. I do not apologize for this dark & twisty collection of rambling thoughts you are about to delve into, as it is nothing short of authentic.

You can expect to find 12 years of bottled up emotions shaken up and spewed all over an estimated 4000 entries spanning over a decade.

Most of it you will still find here. I toyed with the idea of privatizing these written remainders of my past. I've decided instead though to be at peace with it. My soul is a million light years evolved beyond the broken, twisted spirit you'll find shattered among these pages. Feel free to feed your curiosity if you so choose to go back in time and vicariously read through the often gritty, no holds barred mess I witnessed with my own blazed dry and red, slightly blurry , not yet glazed-over, always perceptive set of striking color fluid eyes.

But hopefully there will come a turning point, where words that were once sharp now soften, and these persistent internal battles become less often. Our Ladies, Justice & Karma, will jabber insight fully over tea and conjure up ideas to balance the dark and twisty inside of me.

psst. when i'm not being dramatic with words, i'll tell you bout the normal boring mom stuff that now takes up my days. you never know what you're going to get visiting me. lol :P

Latest Entry

Take care of your teeth

February 2, 2018
My face aches. I had the dentist pull out a broken back molar yesterday. The pain had become so excruciating the days leading up to the extraction, that I was ready to walk into highway traffic to put an end to it. I couldn't sleep for two days. Every 30 minutes or so I'd be up…
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Recent Entries

  • Well hello, hello. Fancy meeting you here.
    January 26, 2018
    It feels like I'm in another dimension. Some weird mashup timeline of past/present/future. I never thought in a million years I would be back here writing. And to be honest, when I said good bye to OD years ago, I pretty much gave up journal writing. Sure I have a facebook but as many of…
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  • welcoming commitee
    June 28, 2013
      hey guys, i got my buddy to join, go say hi pls!  you'll find him under natbrown he could really use a friendly voice, and I know my list is full of em, so go be a welcoming committee for me and show him how awesome this site really is :)      
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  • sos
    December 1, 2011
    I'm on the verge of a breakdown and just really need some one with a non-judgmental ear to be there for me right now. :-(
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  • the bitch fairy *fixed*
    April 12, 2010
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  • February 7, 2010
                    i know.. i know.. i don't write anymore. really, i just haven't felt like it. [shrugs] that, and i've been kinda addicted to my iphone :P i haven't been reading either.. and have no clue what's going on in your lives. but i was thinking the ...
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  • hi
    January 26, 2010
              life is good right now.  i'm about as happy as happy gets. got myself a clear conscience and a clean plate. 2010 is off to a good start. <3          
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    January 12, 2010
              i do not know this diarist but can only imagine the heartbreak she's going through. please read and repost. Please help me find my son   Tuesday, January 12, 2010   I am a long time ODer and my 16 year old son has been missing since January 11th at&hel...
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  • self portraits…
    December 9, 2009
          cuz i was bored. and thnx for your comments.. y'all are too kind :P          
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  • fail.
    December 8, 2009
              so i lost at dephomo. meh. i just can't keep up with anything these days. to make it up to you i'll share a self portrait. :P          
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