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FXck that guy.

February 16, 2018
SO WEIRD to be back here.  I don't know how I feel about it... yet. ANYWAY. I spent a good part of my day today expending mass quantities of energy thinking about, fighting about, crying about and feeling overwhelmed by this latest terrible display of humanity in Parkland. I started a fight with ...
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Recent Entries

    January 20, 2014
    i'm at the    same name.  same basic content.   same exciting life.
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  • fall back
    November 3, 2013
          I was on my way to LAX on Friday morning, and traffic was smoother than expected and I was feeling excited about the upcoming weekend with friends & family in Minneapolis. But around 9:30a, as we started to exit the freeway and enter the ramp for the terminal, traffic sud...
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  • suite
    September 15, 2013
    cross-post at prosebox.   fyi. i'm staying at the allerton hotel in chicago.  it's nice enough, i'm pretty happy with the choice considering our client on this project put us on a VERY strict per diem and had a pretty low ceiling for our hotel rates.   my room is a huge corner suit...
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  • circular.
    August 26, 2013
    i can't stop reflecting on what was happening in my life just one year ago. around this time of the day, i was doing some pre-natal yoga.  there was a visualization element to the practice i had selected for this day, and it involved processing the labor and delivery process.  i remembe...
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  • plane musings
    July 23, 2013
    i wrote this on a plane trip back from boston.     <divclass="statcounter"><a title="web counter"href=""target="_blank"><img class="statcounter"src=""alt="w...
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  • xxxx sleep xxxx
    July 9, 2013
    i'm very excited to report that joaquin emerged from the latest sleep regression rather quickly and fell almost immediately into a new pattern of sleep wherein he no longer wakes up at 4a-ish for a feeding session.  in fact, he typically goes to sleep somewhere around 8p each night and doesn...
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  • sleep regression strikes again! what the.
    June 17, 2013
    oh.  hai. <divclass="statcounter"><a title="web counter"href=""target="_blank"><img class="statcounter"src=""alt="web counter" > i'm so exhausted i feel like ...
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  • momomomom
    June 10, 2013
    i just cooked up my cinnamon blueberry oatmeal with an egg + coconut milk in it and LO, IT WAS DELISH. i'm just stopping in to log some thoughts that have been flitter fluttering in my head lately.   i'm pretty sure only 1.5 people are reading this, so , um, hi guys! i'm in…
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  • i like to move it move it
    June 2, 2013
    so the first moment when joaquin started to DANCE was maybe?   the best moment ever as a momma.    i had been anticipating, hoping maybe someday soon it would happen.  but i didn't want to get my hopes up.  but then it did.  and i can barely stand how AH-DOR-ABLE it ...
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