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August 27, 2024
I got about two hours of sleep last night, grand total. My brain just would not shut down. This is after working a long day at the home daycare I work at, after which I ended up grocery shopping for my dad. I swear, I love those kids to death, but they are exhausting! As…
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  • Anxiety
    August 24, 2024
    After many years of drinking nothing but monsters and mountain dews, I finally stopped! I still drink mountain dews, but not the way I used to. I drink more water now than anything else! As a result, the anxiety has gotten so much better!! I don't even need the Benadryl anymore, though I think it...
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  • Suggestion
    August 23, 2024
    Long story short, I was given a suggestion to start a diary to describe what I'm feeling when I'm feeling it (mainly, the agitation) to describe to my doctor at my appointments.  That got me thinking, maybe I should start up another blog, as I haven't blogged in years.  So here I am!   **That&hel...
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