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Need to vent

November 16, 2019
Haven’t been on here in a long time... I have been feeling lost more than other days. My relationship with my husband has been going down the drain. I feel like my kids don't love me. My husband doesn't love me. I just feel so useless. I get no attention at all at home from…
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Recent Entries

  • Random
    December 1, 2011
    Enough with the winds already, its so cold and windy that I am ready for summer to get here.  Tomorrow is J's Christmas party at work and I am some excited and then I am not. You see I am not happy with how I look since I have gained weight.  I had lost my weight…
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  • Its so windy
    November 30, 2011
    Its so windy out here in the Inland Valleys I hate it, we should be getting some shower but migh be.  I went to the doctor today and they took me off the ability and I am still on the  zoloft and no longer on the prozac.  Which is better because I was taking to…
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  • Horrible
    November 24, 2011
    Just another Friday again at doing nothing.  This is getting to the point were I am getting tired ot the depression.  How many medications can I take and finally feel better.  Yesterday we had our Thanksgiving Dinner just J and the kids.  We were invited to go over to my cousi...
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  • What a world it is
    November 22, 2011
    What a world it is, no one really is happy with their life. I mean cmon life is full of mistakes that we have done.  Who can honestly be happy with their life, maybe someone can be happy for a couple of hours but thats not enough, I want to be happy for a long…
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    November 21, 2011
    Hello to everyone, I havent been on here in a very long time. Alot has changed and alot I have done. First off I havent worked since May of this year.  I got on disability due to harrasment from work, they treated me so bad that now I am taking some deppresent pills and it has affe...
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  • So much to say but to lazy to type
    July 18, 2009
    Its 10:40 pm and boy am I sleepy, I need to get in bed to get some rest for tomorrow.  Our Anniversary is coming up and J got me a beautiful surprise! Something I alway wanted but I cant say until the 30th of this month.  We want to renew or vows which we only have…
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  • No Title
    October 4, 2008
    This past week that went by it was horrible, I got sick with the cold, soar throat and cough.  I am feeling way better but I actually thought I was dying! I felt really bad. Tuesday I came home from work and layed on my bed all day, the weather was awful it was hot.…
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  • Just another Sunday…..pix
    September 27, 2008
    What a horrible weekend, I was sick all weekend. My body is changing and I just feel not great at all.  I am 28 but gosh I feel much older.  **************************************************************************************************************************** Man am I glad that th...
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  • And the crowd cheers….
    September 3, 2008
    Mariah Carey - Dream Lover Music Video Codes By Music Video Code I am so happy tomorrow is Friday, it seemed like a long week even though it was only 4 days with the holiday.  I came home today to my surprise a check from the VA child support.  Its nice to finally get a…
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