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Almost first Christmas

December 23, 2011
I hurt my shoulder at work the other day, and then later that afternoon I got HIT BY A CAR, in the same arm. It hurts like a  B**** right now. Luke's first Christmas is finally here! It's exciting. Chris and I are better, after a lot of crap. But I'm still... hurt. I've become...
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Recent Entries

  • Just another day
    November 27, 2011
    I don't have the energy for this. For trying to care so much. So Chris has a friend. So Chris has a friend he doesn't ever want to stop talking to because apparently the universe will fall apart if he does. So what that he gets one day a week to really and truly spend with…
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  • I need to come back here
    November 24, 2011
    It's been ages and ages, but I think the only logical thing for me now is to come back here. I don't write in my journal nearly as often because by the end of the night, I just log onto the computer, chat with some friends, and pass out. So I figured.... if I need…
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  • So… it’s been a few months
    February 28, 2011
    I realized I don't even visit this site all that often anymore, after being so dedicated to it for many many years. I guess that's what happens when your life becomes a boring routine of work, sleep, eat. Almost makes me wish for the drama in high school :) My baby is due in 4…
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  • omfg
    September 27, 2010
    I suddenly was like "hmm, lets check out my OD" oh, it's only been 2 MONTHS since I last wrote! I think the only other time I have that kind of gap is when OD was hacked and not only could we not update for a couple of months, but it deleted even more entries. I…
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  • one year
    July 24, 2010
    So camping was last week. Though it was supposed to be the whole week long, Chris and I bailed out half way through. With me having to go to the bathroom 6 times a night and him just not being very camping-friendly, it wasn't all that thrilling. So we left Wednesday and went back up…
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  • baby!
    July 6, 2010
    I am so freaken excited right now! I'm pregnant! I'm almost in shock. I was at first. I had a small panic attack teehee. And of course I was half asleep when I found out, since I took the test at 530 in the morning. The next day the doctors office called me, since I…
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  • don’t know
    June 11, 2010
    2004: 192 2005: 304 2006: 285 2007: 74 2008: 59 2009: 54 2010: 16 I started thinking today about why i bother keeping this if it is just drastically failing like this. I mean, it's JUNE and this is my 17th entry for the ENTIRE year. i feel like a failure >.< I just don't have…
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  • talk about surprises
    May 9, 2010
    So I was going along normally, working and all a couple days ago. Suddenly, my phone goes off with a message and I'm like "hmmm... wonder who that could be" so I open it and it's from facebook. Okay, a friend request. Name: Gina C. WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!!!!!!!!! Joe's sis...
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  • i do live
    May 5, 2010
    Okay, so it's about midnight, but that's okay. I was going to pass and write tomorrow, but I know myself well enough to go "yeah, right... like that will actually happen" SO to update about whats been happening for the past month... I spent a lot of time working. >.> I lead such a...
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