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By Association

January 26, 2011
I've been having mixed feelings about the local dance association.  The idea for the organization is great.  The group would get together to promote the art of belly dance.  This is supposed to be a huge business building thing for all of us.  We're supposed to help each other...
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Recent Entries

  • I Shouldn’t Be Upset
    January 24, 2011
    I honestly don't know what's going on with me lately.  It seems that every little thing Oz is doing sets me off.  It feels like there's something wrong with me.  He's really trying, and I know that, but it seems like what he's really trying is my patience.  I can't help but fe...
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  • Well, I’m back…
    January 22, 2011
    How long has it been since I've written?  I'm not even sure I know anymore.  I know it's as simple as checking out my last entry, seeing when it was written, but I'm not sure I honestly want to know. Since I've written last I've moved more times than I care to mention.&nb...
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  • A New Drama Queen
    March 7, 2010
    So...Caelan has a new girl.  There's this chick from another state that he's been talking too.  The two have been getting close, I guess, but she just seems like a whole bunch of drama.  I wish him luck with that, but I'm starting to wonder if I really want to be around for all of&...
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  • About a Snake
    January 4, 2010
    Dear Supposed Friend, I don't care how you justify yourself, or try, theft is still theft.  Blame your husband all you want, I still find you at fault.  You could have chosen to act differently as easily as he could.  That makes you an accomplice. Regardless of everything else...
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  • Guilty Mom Moments
    January 4, 2010
    It's my third kid and I'm finally going to admit it, I hate breastfeeding.  Yes, I know, it's better for the baby and all of that.  "Breastfed is best fed!"  I love the benefits it gives my child.  I love that I've always got a meal prepared no matter ...
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  • Dancing from the Soul
    January 3, 2010
    It's funny.  I look at myself as a dancer, and I realize just how far I haven't come.  I haven't improved as a performer, not terribly much.  Instead, I'm stagnating, keeping down the same path and never showing improvement.  Yes, I still throw my heart and soul...
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  • The Birth Story…and Frustration
    December 24, 2009
    Though it was starting to feel that way, the baby couldn't stay in my belly forever.  It had to come out sometime.  I had a vision in my mind of how that would happen, a beautiful birth plan, everything.  Too bad that's not at all how it happened. Some time in the morning of D...
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  • To My Possible Future Little Sister-in Law
    December 15, 2009
    Dear "Little Sister", I've written you twice now in hopes of repairing the damage my presence has done in your family.  The first time it was clear that you didn't want to hear what I had to say.  It felt like you were looking for a reason to hate me.  Many of your respon...
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  • Too Much Drama to Dance
    December 12, 2009
    Dear Other Dancer, In your recent e-mail to me you have expressed your concern with your treatment at the local venue we both dance at.  You informed another dancer and I that you feel the situation is unsafe and you feel uncomfortable there.  This is all fine and you are welcome to you...
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