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Life, or something like it…

April 2, 2006
I think I will take some minutes to procrastinate away from packing to write...I feel the urge to write, but I'm not sure what will come out. Work has still kept me pretty busy. Friday was the end of my first quarter at my new job. I have now taught Computer and Windows Basics, PowerPoint…
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Recent Entries

  • St. Patty’s Day
    March 19, 2006
    I know, another entry without a life update (and in the same week, too!), but that will come later, I promise!Friday was the day that my dept decided to do their retreat. It had been planned for a few months now, and let me just say that it's the lamest idea they could have come…
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  • WTF??
    March 17, 2006
    I know, I know. I'm due for a real life update but today it's ranting time....Okay. Denis Leary has some great rants on his "Lock 'N Load" album. Go pick that up if you have never heard that, by the way. Even better you can go to and listen to it for free. If…
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  • Same Shit, Different Day
    February 9, 2006
    Phew, thank goodness it is finally the weekend! I feel like I definitely deserve a good rest. I feel like I have been going non-stop for the better part of the last six weeks or so. Could it be, the year is already six weeks old? When did that happen?We had our one year anniversary…
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  • Breast Cancer
    January 4, 2006
    I decided to make my first entry of the year something positive...A lady I know from work is doing a walk for breast cancer and I offered to spread the word about her fundraising. It is obviously for a super great cause, and all of us have been - or will be - touched by…
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  • One more time….
    December 30, 2005
    I wanted to squeeze in one more entry for 2005. I think one of my biggest resolutions for 2006 will be to get back to updating this more often, and actually staying on top of my reading ;-)So anyway....Christmas kinda sucked. We spent the time with Travis's family, and things didn't go very well....
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  • First Days
    December 13, 2005
    Well, I have now been at my new job for three days, and boy, it has kept me super busy. Monday consisted of meeting new people, sitting down with my bos (who LOVES to talk), and trying to get everything organized and settled in. I had to work on some scheduling for the upcoming first…
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  • Job news.
    November 21, 2005
    I got a new job! Starting on December 12th, I will be a Staff Training Specialist for the City!Late Friday afternoon - and I mean so late, my computer was off, my coat was on, and I was leaving the cubicle. My phone rang with an inside call and for some reason I picked it…
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  • Ahhh, November
    November 15, 2005
    First things first….thinking back to Halloween night…..I just don’t seem to have a lot of good luck when it comes to Halloween night…..Seems like bad things always happen around that time….this year of course was no exception. We ended up going to a party at one of our friend’s houses – Travis dr...
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  • Experiment Complete
    October 13, 2005
    Well, it has been 52 days since my last entry. Wow. That certainly is unprecedented in all the time I have been writing in diaries online. 52 days - not even one entry in September. I did this in an attempt to see how different things would be if I did not update here -…
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