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of love?

April 10, 2007
I want to love. I want to be in love. I want to be in love without any expectations to follow. With an innocent hope and desire. I don’t want to love because someone loves me. I can not entertain such a relationship which makes my heart go gloomy. I wonder at times, m I…
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Recent Entries

  • contradictions..
    April 9, 2007
    Okay, I know I have accepted myself as a contradicting person. A person who can manage to convince even itself on two contradicting view points but my diary here sure shows my contradicting nature... Fire as profile picture, Location being somewhere over the rainbows and test displayed in front p...
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  • greatness
    April 9, 2007
    From Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, 1601:"In my stars I am above thee; but be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em."I can relate to it. I can so relate to being afraid of greatness. Should I regret? Can I be given op...
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  • knowing people..
    April 9, 2007
    "anyhow, I have learned one thing now. You only really get to know people when you've had a jolly good row with them. Then, and then only, can you judge their true characters!"- the diary of Anne FrankOh! I so agree with this! So very much!
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  • Jane Austen and Me
    April 9, 2007
    I and Emma have a short way to go, only a hundred pages or less. Pleased, am I? I wouldn’t dare to say so, for I have started taking real interest in her. It was a bit easier to be interested in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ then in ‘Emma’. May it be because I had curiosity&...
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  • Childhood Survey
    April 3, 2007
    Now that I am changed, may be i'll be more open with my replies. So here I m gonna take a surveyyyy!!! 1. What did you wish your name was? The one I have 2. Did you have an imaginary friend? none 3. If yes, what was his/her name? N/A 4. Did you want to…
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  • and then..
    April 2, 2007
    I was reading my FOD and looks like I gave in all of myself everytime I love. I dont know if its right or wrong and nor m I going to judge myself. But I am sure of one thing, it wudnt look pretty to many people. They will be like.. didnt she said she…
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  • another journey starts..
    April 1, 2007
    Its been years since I have been introduced to FOD. I can not remember how I get to know abt this site in the first place but I remember my time spent here. And here I am again, on FOD, with a different motive and different identity then before. First I wanted a diary whom…
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